I think many guys will think twice before contacting a girl who advertises such as “Fu*k my Ass and Hot Wet Pussy, CIM, OWO Drain Me and My Ass and Pussy Dry etc 50, 100, 200 etc Euros everything included! Or in fact shows her face”

If a client did get caught then the police have to prove in a court he was in fact with said lady/guy to pay for sex or a sex act. I think even when a girl changes the way of advertising and removes her face from her adverts she has still left a paper trail for them to use in the court case to provide a conviction. (Which the UK Courts did use to prosecute but also to make the New Law’s regarding the fetish scene). Example: there is a slave here who has posted many threads with his ass bleeding and has made many a statement of who in fact marked his ass in such a way, now in the UK this person doing this is able be charged with GBH and when in court be given a prison sentence. And they would not need much more evidence needed due to his statements on the internet and bearing in mind most Irish Laws come from the UK too.

I am sure I am not the only girl on such websites who never advertises sex or sex acts for sale, shows her face, never and ever will work in a brothel or mentions to every Tom, Dick or Harry over the internet, via a phone call, pm, email or to any Government official who maybe pretending to be a client the sale of sex but in fact payment is for our time only, I am guessing us types of discreet girls run out business’s this discreetly and who also pay our tax( for other jobs than that of escorting), who make it totally clear when we chat/meet with clients they are only paying for our time (not sex acts) our client will feel these laws will not have to affect as much as those who plaster money for sex all over the place.

Many clients who will be changing their tactics when making a booking will be contacting girls like myself and who run our business in this much more safer and more discreet manner for all parties involved.

I can’t see many guys who will still be visiting girls in brothels or who may not be working her legally, taking drugs etc, as of course Guards will be offering such girls/guys in this business doing so if caught, a “get out of jail free card” so the Guards then will be able to make an example of these guys found paying for sex. After all this is Ireland!

Lady Von teese