In the true spirit of E-1

I hereby nominate MYSELF!!!!!!!!

as Mari's campaign manager

I do have previous experience of the "hothouse" of politics

I smoked a bit behind the bike sheds whilst waiting my turn for a go on the
"Laddo" bike
I ran the school tuck shop, and although i failed to make a profit, I can tell you just how many curly wurlies it takes to make a small boy sick (56 orally- yet strangley only 4 anally!!)
I was the only red headed boy who got felt up by the gym teacher - Mr Ben Over

In later life, I campaigned tirelessly for that nice Mr Bin Laden to become Minister of Ag and Fish
Bishop Eamonn Casey to become Irelands first Sex Minister

and Elvis to become an offical saint

God bless you brother Ganja - I solemly swear to get the job done (after I rolled a quick one)