I personally don't drink, but seeing an escort when a person has been drinking displays an obviously diminished capacity for making rational decisions! WHY would you go to see an escort when your 'performance' will must likely fall well short of spectacular or memorable (for both yourself as well as the escort), not to mention the fact that some people get themselves nearly 'blackout' drunk, so they practically have no memory of the experience anyway???

I'm reminded of a young guy I met when going to a concert several years ago for one of my favorite groups. He was already pretty 'toasted' at that stage, and this was about 3 1/2 hours BEFORE the gates were set to open, never mind when the show was set to start. I'll never forget him telling me about how drunk he had been the last time he'd seen this particular act, and how he blacked out and had absolutely no memory of the hour and 45 minute set after the 4th tune they played that night, but he went on to say that it was a "F&$Kin' AWESOME NIGHT", insisting that it was one of the greatest shows he'd even been to...

Now for me, why someone would want to spend good money for what you'd certainly hope would a great and highly memorable experience (be it going to see your favourite escort or your favourite music act) only to INTENTIONALLY dull their senses and diminish their ability to remember the event makes absolutely no sense. I want to go into a concert (and certainly a punt) with ALL of my faculties and senses in top condition, as I always want a sensory experience to make a lasting impression.

Save the drinking for a night in with the 'lads'; those nights are mostly worth forgetting anyway!