Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
Actually one thing people dont realise about hair transplants is you are committing to more transplants down the road. You see you loose hair and get a hair transplant. So what happens next? In time you loose more of the natural hair so now you have to get another transplant. Why a guy would get a hair transplant is beyond me. Just shave your head or maybe use minoxidil or finasteride if your happy to have a head of hair and balls that dont work right. Mine is receding at the front. When the day comes ill just shave my head. Actually im thinking of shaving it more and more these days anyway. I think I would pull the bald look off well.

problem solved.
My uncle uses that minoxidil stuff but it only seems to have worked on the back of the head, no effect at all on front, strange that.