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Thread: Groping Thug!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Meursault View Post
    he probably went for a taco fries in abra or fell asleep taking a piss on the street, you know the usual.

    Its amazing how the laws change depending on the environment you are in. If he did that in a professional work place, hed be taken to court. Do it in a nightclub and you get away with it. Dan Ariely the behavioural economist was saying that life is akin to the different rooms in a house. So you can do stuff in the kitchen that you cant do in the bedroom and vice versa. The point he was trying to make is that regardless of where you are, the laws should be the same....but they are not. We change according to the environment. If men did the same stuff that they do in thailand as in ireland, they would get in trouble
    And also even more significantly in Ireland what class background you belong to! There are no consequences for the Annabelle's nightclub set seriously acting the bollocks or ironically for underclass rubbish who live off everyone else's backs (most D4 natives do also!) because everyone is afraid of them!
    Ride them on the beaches!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
    And also even more significantly in Ireland what class background you belong to! There are no consequences for the Annabelle's nightclub set seriously acting the bollocks or ironically for underclass rubbish who live off everyone else's backs (most D4 natives do also!) because everyone is afraid of them!
    yea thats a good point. There is a big difference too in how one conducts themselves in the minimum wage environment to the professional environment. Having worked in both, some of the things the guys done with the ladies in the MW environment would not be tolerated in the professional world.

    Its funny how people adjust the crime to the culture. get into a fight in a nightclub and is common, almost acceptable. Get into a fight at work or on the street in daylight hours and you will be in trouble.
    "The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation" - Henry David Thoreau.

  3. #13
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
    And also even more significantly in Ireland what class background you belong to! There are no consequences for the Annabelle's nightclub set seriously acting the bollocks or ironically for underclass rubbish who live off everyone else's backs (most D4 natives do also!) because everyone is afraid of them!:mad:
    Sorry, don't understand this ?

  4. #14
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    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Merryman View Post
    Sorry, don't understand this ?
    My point is the D4 set ala Annabelle's nightclub and the more usual Knacker have a hell of a lot in common with each other, more than either group would admit and both get away with a helluva lot and both are effectively subsidised by everyone else!
    Actually, D4 Knackers are probably the worst kind!
    Ride them on the beaches!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
    My point is the D4 set ala Annabelle's nightclub and the more usual Knacker have a hell of a lot in common with each other, more than either group would admit and both get away with a helluva lot and both are effectively subsidised by everyone else!
    Actually, D4 Knackers are probably the worst kind!
    There is a certain element of truth to what you say. Some D4ers are just knackers wot done very well !

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Belle View Post
    What an awful thing to happen to her and I really hope he's caught. Unfortunately groping is a regular occurrence in pubs and clubs.
    I've had it happen to me many times and usually I politely ask them to have some manners and go away...which doesn't always happen.
    The last time it happened this guy wouldn't stop pinching & grabbing my ass, so I took his hand and lead him through the club, (while he had the look of getting lucky on his face) then when we reached the main door I explained to the bouncers he was harassing and grabbing me, so they promptly threw him out.
    I was aware he may loiter outside until the end of the night but the doormen ensured I got into a taxi safely. I know not everyone is as lucky or as sober as I happened to be that night but I just wish men would cop on and not feel it is acceptable to cop a feel when they're drunk and in a club/pub. If there was a zero tolerance from all women for this type of behaviour it may stop and the same rule should apply to women too.....they can be just as bad!!!!
    Fair play Belle for standing up and not letting him get away with it, kudos to you for the way you handled it. Would have been better if he was charged with assault.
    Last edited by andy71; 30-08-14 at 22:34.
    I want to feel your long sexy legs in nylons wrapped around me as I explore your sexy body

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Belle View Post
    What an awful thing to happen to her and I really hope he's caught. Unfortunately groping is a regular occurrence in pubs and clubs.
    I've had it happen to me many times and usually I politely ask them to have some manners and go away...which doesn't always happen.
    The last time it happened this guy wouldn't stop pinching & grabbing my ass, so I took his hand and lead him through the club, (while he had the look of getting lucky on his face) then when we reached the main door I explained to the bouncers he was harassing and grabbing me, so they promptly threw him out.
    I was aware he may loiter outside until the end of the night but the doormen ensured I got into a taxi safely. I know not everyone is as lucky or as sober as I happened to be that night but I just wish men would cop on and not feel it is acceptable to cop a feel when they're drunk and in a club/pub. If there was a zero tolerance from all women for this type of behaviour it may stop and the same rule should apply to women too.....they can be just as bad!!!!
    Belle well done for what you did as I don't know if many other ladies would do what you did. A lady to be reckoned with in a situation well handled.
    Last edited by rob_tig; 30-08-14 at 22:51.
    Love slowly unwraping a sexily dressed lady.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Merryman View Post
    There is a certain element of truth to what you say. Some D4ers are just knackers wot done very well !
    A regular underclass piece of rubbish (and I don't mean working class people or travellers at all!) might rob your possessions from your house, a D4 Knacker is in a far better position to rob your entire house from you (and often by a twisted law!).
    Ride them on the beaches!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
    A young beautiful lady, 22 year old, Mary Brandon at The Notting Hill Carnival asked a creep feeling her bum to stop -

    The before picture -

    What the fucking animal did to her subsequently -

    Lads that grope women and it can be almost iresistable are ultimately just losers but this animal is beyond that and is clearly a danger to women and needs to be locked up for a looooooong time! Let's hope he ends up in prison and becomes some deranged black dude with a 14 inch cock's girl friend!
    Unfortunately, with the bastards from the Met on the case, I wouldn't hold out much hope!

    From the video, she seems to have her spirits up again and is very strong and very best wishes to her!
    There is some serious scumbags in this world without a doubt.

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