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Thread: street collectors

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default street collectors

    What does everyone think of street collectors I give them nothing anymore when I was told by a friend last year that 3 guys working with a well known charity(Don't ask name!) over 3 days take a few hundred apiece out of the collection boxes, my friend works with these guys I have no reason to believe he himself takes money as hes an honest man. Anyway I sponsor a child in Africa instead fiver a week..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
    What does everyone think of street collectors I give them nothing anymore when I was told by a friend last year that 3 guys working with a well known charity(Don't ask name!) over 3 days take a few hundred apiece out of the collection boxes, my friend works with these guys I have no reason to believe he himself takes money as hes an honest man. Anyway I sponsor a child in Africa instead fiver a week..
    Fair play X-P.
    The street collectors are noterious for skimming the buckets.
    i also have a subscription for a blind school. dd every month €12 euro.
    Have been donating for about 10 years now and recieve a news letter every 3-4 months.
    Not all the street collectors are thieves but there are a lot at it..
    better of buying cards or stuff from registered charities as its harder to steal from the collections.

  3. #3
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    Fair play X-P.
    The street collectors are noterious for skimming the buckets.
    i also have a subscription for a blind school. dd every month €12 euro.
    Have been donating for about 10 years now and recieve a news letter every 3-4 months.
    Not all the street collectors are thieves but there are a lot at it..
    better of buying cards or stuff from registered charities as its harder to steal from the collections.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I dont give to street collectors myself , apart from when i see them collecting for temple street hospital . About 8yrs ago i was in rathmines when the cutest hottest babe from Concern stopped me , and after hearing about the work they do , i got her to post me out a direct debit form . The amount i give goes up every few yrs , started off with e tenner a month and now its at 21 a month . Once you give 21euro or more a month they can also claim back tax as well so they get around 400euro a yr . My donation each month gives me piece of mind , you know when your having dinner each night in front of the tv and one of THOSE ads comes on with the starving children with flies landing on them , at least i know i'm helping in some small way .
    I have no signature at the moment

  5. #5
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rimmerguy View Post
    I dont give to street collectors myself , apart from when i see them collecting for temple street hospital . About 8yrs ago i was in rathmines when the cutest hottest babe from Concern stopped me , and after hearing about the work they do , i got her to post me out a direct debit form . The amount i give goes up every few yrs , started off with e tenner a month and now its at 21 a month . Once you give 21euro or more a month they can also claim back tax as well so they get around 400euro a yr . My donation each month gives me piece of mind , you know when your having dinner each night in front of the tv and one of THOSE ads comes on with the starving children with flies landing on them , at least i know i'm helping in some small way .

    Its called a tax break.........hardly worth bothing for that small amount - those that give do so without having to say who - or how much..........very sad that you think that you feel the need to do so, very sad indeed.

    L.H. You should be ashamed really to boast just do it because you can not because you want a tax break.........thats shameful.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    No it's not donater that gets the tax break it's the charity, which means more money for the charity.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Its called a tax break.........hardly worth bothing for that small amount - those that give do so without having to say who - or how much..........very sad that you think that you feel the need to do so, very sad indeed.

    L.H. You should be ashamed really to boast just do it because you can not because you want a tax break.........thats shameful.
    Are you a complete muppet ? First off you are the one who boasts about money around here , not me . I was merely giving an example of how a small amount of money can go a long long way in the correct hands (Concern). The inland revenue gives THEM the money , NOT ME . Once the monthly donation is 21euro or more , they can claim back money from the revenue or something to that effect. Over the course of a yr , my 252euro becomes over 400 to them . They called me last yr and asked if i would mind increasing my amount to the 21euro so that they could benefit even more . I'm not boasting about anything i was merely posting a response about charity collectors . As per usual you took one look and decided to have a go at the poster in question , namely moi . If you wanna post some more crap feel free girl , but do engage your brain first !!!!
    Last edited by rimmerguy; 06-11-08 at 23:57.
    I have no signature at the moment

  8. #8
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by rimmerguy View Post
    are you a complete muppet ? First off you are the one who boasts about money around here , not me . I was merely giving an example of how a small amount of money can go a long long way in the correct hands (concern). The inland revenue gives them the money , not me . Once the monthly donation is 21euro or more , they can claim back money from the revenue or something to that effect. Over the course of a yr , my 252euro becomes over 400 to them . They called me last yr and asked if i would mind increasing my amount to the 21euro so that they could benefit even more . I'm not boasting about anything i was merely posting a response about charity collectors . As per usual you took one look and decided to have a go at the poster in question , namely moi . If you wanna post some more crap feel free girl , but do engage your brain first !!!!

    must of been having one of those moments - guess cos i have direct debits to two charities and i dont take much concern about them as i have done so for so long that i thought you meant a tax break.........dont have a go. I dont boast about money at all...........thats bollocks and nothing to do with charity now is it.......thats a totally different issue. Which charities you give to is just ones own business.

    Boasting that i dont do hour jobs is not boasting really or is it - cos i rarely do - thats just telling the truth as im sure you are aware i always do tell the truth.

    Why does everyone call people names on this site - don't call me girl for starters cos im older than you i would imagine ........and so much venom - really the stuff on here is priceless and i cannot wait to get some of it down cos its got to be a best seller - people talking bollocks in the chat room - bollocks on here - jeepers creepers its a book waiting to be written and read........

    Tell me why the irish are so fast to get on their high horse and what makes you so much better than the english - history is why you hate the english and you need to stop all that cos its vile...........

    I have only retaliated on this site when i was getting attacked for no good reason to - so why now do you think its your god given right to do the same - ask yourself this:-

    why is nobody writing on pigpaws thread about me and maggot - i think we both know cos they are scared.......scared..........dont you find that a little sickening to know that there are such sick folk in your land..... But he dont care me, but he scares many.........

    When you get some time come onto one of the english sites ans see whats on the english forums and how they are so different - there is no nastiness no bitching and there are more sections for the girls to write to girls and girls alone about bad clients..........thats girl to girl without the men reading - this site should have that.

    The sites you should go to are punterlink or punternet or captain69.........

    Its very different - its fun and i always thought thats what forums were supposed to be - fun??? Or am i wrong. This site just fascinates me........

    Liz............. Take care xoxox

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Question ooooooooohhhh

    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    Fair play X-P.
    The street collectors are noterious for skimming the buckets.
    i also have a subscription for a blind school. dd every month €12 euro.
    Have been donating for about 10 years now and recieve a news letter every 3-4 months.
    Not all the street collectors are thieves but there are a lot at it..
    better of buying cards or stuff from registered charities as its harder to steal from the collections.

    ooooooohhh superb....... 12 euro/month you said??? and all the money you waste in alcohol, smoking and drugs and sex??? ah well, at least you gave 12 euros/month!!!! When you really do something or give something from within your heart you don't need to go around telling people cause you are at peace with yourself, that's my case!!!!!!! Go on join the new TS CLUB... maybe then you may give 24 euros/month

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    [QUOTE=Flypan;48139]ooooooohhh superb....... 12 euro/month you said??? and all the money you waste in alcohol, smoking and drugs and sex??? ah well, at least you gave 12 euros/month!!!! When you really do something or give something from within your heart you don't need to go around telling people cause you are at peace with yourself, that's my case!!!!!!! Go on join the new TS CLUB... maybe then you may give 24 euros/month [/QUOTE

    You have nothing at all positive to say for yourself no good at all You are depressing little bollocks Try changing your Medication.......

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