Quote Originally Posted by skyblue41 View Post
I'm not a gunner fan but I think you should relax about your team. They play super football and at the moment I think their midfield is excellent. Major problem at the moment is a problem defending set pieces. I don't simply mean the Stoke game but they have conceded a few from set pieces. Wenger for all his obvious attribibutes also has some questions to answer. Senderos was to be his replacement for Campbell. Wenger also doesn't seem to want to change the way he wants his team to play even when a horses for courses policy would dictate it. And why didnt he and the club fight to keep Hleb or Flamini in the way Liverpool have done with Gerrard, Utd with Ronaldo of Chelsea with Lampard?

Teams can have bad runs of form and the fans and media go over the top. I can't see Arsenal turning into a bad team overnight. Some people even tipping Villa to get above them this year!!!! Not likely.
Hi Sky,

You are right, although Gerrard was going to come to Chelsea but he had death threats, bit like someone else which was Rooney......but he had the cojones to leave -

Sure thats not balls and someone just told me that for a giggle - what is your team then Liverpool? I don't think that Lampard wanted to leave to go to a Spanish team as he is a big family man - the reason to go to Spain is that his wife is Spanish and the contract was not sorted. Got all that from someone i know thats an agent cos they wanted him in Italy.

Arsenal will finish in the top 4 i have no doubt about that -hope so for Horny Alec and the Horny Highwayman and my entire family - all Gooners)..... Just the question is where is Hull City going to finish.

Lots of Love to you xxx Lizzy