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Thread: Bringing E-I into disrepute

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Bringing E-I into disrepute

    Dear Patricia,

    I'm sure that you must be aware of some recent developments and trends in threads being posted on this site. No, I'm not talking about Liz on this occasion, as this is something that I dont believe she has contributed to.

    Firstly, we have had QPH forwarding the contents of PMs to the moderators and some others who have requested them, in order to substantiate his position viz a viz a perceived threat to Dolly from Bigpaws. I cant comment on the veracity of those threats whether real or perceived, but no matter how genuine or noble QPH's motivation in taking this course of action, I am not convinced that it was a good call at the end of the day.

    Secondly, since then we have had people copy and paste the contents of chat room dialogues and private chats and post these in the community section to show what people have said to one another and who used which offensive word first.

    Now if this site is about free speech and expression (as well as other things) then these actions are going to have a greater negative affect on these freedoms than any amount of censorship on the part of the mods. Nobody is going to say anything off of centre for fear of it being brought up against them later and I feel that this is particularly true for the escorts who have most to loose at the end of the day. Nobody should be attacked here for what they believe or the way they choose to lead their lives. After all, E-I caters to all genders, sexual orientations and most perversions, so one would have to be a complete idiot to cast a stone in this place.

    The third development, which has cropped up from time to time, has been the publishing in the open fora of real data about individuals i.e. names, addresses, phone numbers. This has always been jumped on by the mods and censored. A recent Blog written by Dolly Darling which appears as a link on a recent thread now gives out the name, email address and mobile number of an E-I member. While technically this may not infringe the rules against posting such information on the site, it certainly goes against the spirit of those rules. I suspect that this blog was a preemptive strike against the E-I member who has stated that he would post the contests of many PMs in the community section unless certain people withdrew what they had said. While I have no problem with Dolly posting the contents of these PMs, as a precedent had already been established by QPH himself, I believe she was in error and made a bad call in not deleting the personal information first.

    Ireland may be larger than New York, but the population of the whole island would fit two and a half or three times into New York and the village mentality is still alive and well in many parts of rural Ireland. When a client goes to an escort, he would like to be as assured of confidentiality as if he were going to see his solicitor or going into the confessional. This is particularly the case if he lives in a rural area or has a partner, family, friends who are not aware of his little hobby. I feel that Dolly has therefore unfortunately scored a major own-goal in identifying an E-I member who by his own admission is not even a punter and has no intention of ever becoming a punter.

    Whilst not in favour of censorship, I believe that the mods under certain circumstances are not only justified, but obliged to delete or censor material for a number of genuine reasons. Unfortunately this material could be out there for all to read for quite some time before the mods get to see it and get around to doing something about it. The offending material may then be deleted but the damage has already been done and the offender just gets away with it.

    Many people describe the fora in the other place as boring or dead and that the heavy hand of the censor is constantly being wielded there. However, if you want to ensure that your identity is somewhat safer and that action will be taken against those who break the stated rules, than it might just be the better option.

    Patricia maybe it is about time that the rules really were enforced here for the general betterment of E-I. One day/one week holidays are all fine and well, but they dont really solve the problem. The perpetrators just come back and engage in more of the same. Those who flout the rules, whether they be escorts, clients or others should be banned in perpetuity - both their user name and their ip address. One official warning should suffice and then on your bike for a repeat infringement of a particular rule.

    I would differentiate here between those who inadvertently break a rule and those who quite obviously go out of their way to damage others and to generally bring this site into disrepute.

    Yours etc,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Yes well written Carlos but I am shocked to hear that the name e-mail & mobile no. of QPH was disclosed I can only think this was done with malicious intent as this is totally unacceptable, I for one have sent limited pm's not even used the chatroom such is my doubts as to the security of this website maybe sounds a bit of paranoia but recent stories have proved to myself I did the right thing, QPH decision to disclose Dollys pm's was a betrayal of trust so I'm not taking sides between ye but you exposing the mans identity is the final straw
    This website has become simply a place for some people to let off steam & offload pent-up anger the childish talk/behavior truly beggars belief the use of words such as Retards twice today for example by 2 regular posters just makes this place a 'free for all', there is no sense of direction as to how to approach people who step over the mark Yes Patricia u have a lot on your plate but for God sake set down some rules...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Well said Carlos. I don't think it's right that anyones personal details should be put on this site or on a link . That's why we all use usernames we don't want this to effect our real lives. We all want to keep anonymous. It's not fair to QPH as I feel having read everything in her blog and his posts on here that he was only trying to help her. This wouldn't have happened on IIE. There should be stricter rules here.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Here Here Carlos,

    Hugo would be proud of you !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Carlos and Forum...

    This is long but would plead with any Client that values his own anonymity to please read.

    Agree with all of that actually Carlos, with one or two caveats, one is that in none of those PMs is there any personally identifiable information and I firstly forwarded them to admin along with an explanation. Sarah agreed but owner did nothing, fair enough and as I have stated many times this is nothing to do with any Escort or client or me. This is to do with the proof that I have that someone of influence to make or break any Escort here is himself deeply flawed in his motives, that I feel goes to the heart of how this place works as it is vital that those with influence are beyond reproach. I know one is rotten to the core and as E-I will not even investigate, let alone stay neutral as they aide him I have no other course of action.

    I find it the irony of ironies that this website has a warning section and the one person here who actively tries to harm reps is not in that thread but instead is aided and assisted at every turn by the owner. How fu**ked up is that?

    Basically Carlos I have said as much as you are saying that if the Owner herself refuses to impose her own rules with 100% impartiality then anarchy will take over, it is the rule that governs all societies. I again have said this for the betterment of this place but get bulls**t thrown at me for saying exactly what you are saying and most are thinking but to afraid to even type it.

    Now as the issue of my posting pas to prove Dolly is lying about me. She herself started this by calling me a psychopath, so if anyone thinks for one second that I am taking that from someone who I helped and she thanked me for it when I can prove her wrong with her own words, they have another thing coming. Why on Earth should I just take being called these names when all I did since last may was engage here, be honest and help someone. I have gotten nothing but bulls**t for my trouble and am not going to tolerate it.

    Dolly has crossed a line here and massively shot herself in the foot and all Clients should take deep note of what she either did herself or in all likelihood was put up to doing. I still hold no animosity to her as she is a lost soul if ever I saw one. I would like to make her and him aware that although they may play checkers I play Chess and think 10 moves ahead. You all may be wondering why I am not screaming from the rooftops about my (Ahem) “real” name being posted. This does not matter to me because yes I told her “A” name and E-mail when on good terms and rather then admit she lied about me she has no problem whatsoever potentially ruining someone’s life rather then do the decent thing.

    Is that an Escort you would like knowing your wife’s name or home number lads?, no, didn’t think so.

    I think she has made us all aware of how low her morals sadly are and If nothing else this proves she is not the little orphan Annie that she portrays herself to be, she can never again go running to the hills in the chatroom when someone looks at her sideways as we all now know how treacherous she is quite happy to be, your cover is blown Dolly. BIG TIME. If she does cry boo hoo poor little ole me all anyone has to do is refer back to her blog and that should put that issue to bed.

    Dolly my dear, no disrespect but you are American after all so I will allow you a little more dimness as a result but if I have been toying with him since last may how on Earth do you think I would be so stupid as to tell you or anyone my real name. I told you that name and set up E-mail to test your trustworthiness. I have done the exact same for every other person either Escort or Client that I conversed with outside of here since I joined. I assure you I am not the technophobe I portray myself as. I know what goes on in the chatroom because I have been in there for months now, and indeed am not the country bumpkin either and am no longer a Farmer. If you think I fully trust anyone here you are proving yourself very American indeed, and thank you for posting that mobile as I never even knew the number as I bought sim solely for that one phone call to let you know what I felt you had a right to know but you in return now try and ruin my life as thanks. Rest assured it is in a landfill long since.

    So Dolly you went for the jugular but missed by a mile so as that little master plan of yours did not work I again ask to retract your lies about me. The fact you are female is irrelevant to me and in light of the fact you happily made known what you thought was my name and fully intended ruining my life for my horrendous crime of helping you.

    There is nothing in those PMs that would damage her Rep in any way, in fact I had intended posting tonight a thread explaining that, in fact her PMs paint a picture of someone we would all wish to meet but sadly she has gone and beaten me to the punch in that and posted what she thought was my real details fully expecting to ruin my life even though she knows the contents of her PMs do her no hurt at all, but they do simply and plainly prove I am telling the truth.

    We all now see how treacherous you really are, you are both well met, you have proven yourself again to not be a true Escort, so I submit that you should be added to the bad Escort list as you broke the cardinal rule of punting.

    How do you know I am not a punter? Hmmm…just because I said I was not?

    How do you know you did not just ruin my and my wife’s marriage? Hmmm

    Destroyed my children’s home and life? Hmmmmm

    Ruined my job? hmmmmm


    I have seen Escorts put in there for less, but will the lord protector of Escorts put you in there for your transgression?….will he f**k as like.

    Again, this is just to easy, is there anyone that can put up a better challenge then these two rank amateurs.. YARRRRRRRM.

    Carlos I feel we need to fall out as you’re my best hope of a challenge round here.

    I would ask Clients who value there family or whatever your circumstances to take this as a wake up call and be very cagey in your dealings, look how easily an Escort who if and when I do post those pms you will see how warm she was to me but even at that she went straight for and had zero problem doing the one thing that NO GENUINE ESCORT worth there salt would ever do and that is to post what she thought was my real name. valid E-mail that maybe my boss would see and mobile number. I only helped her and look what she did.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    It would be tough to argue with you Carlos You are a wise man Do you want a job as a moderator?

    I have to totally agree nobody's personal info like name, address, phone etc should ever be posted here without their consent, and yes posting a link to a blog where the person's personal info has been posted is the same as posting it here in spirit.

    The dolly/qph situation is complicated because it seems they have both been indiscreet about each other's privacy, not to mention there are that many pages of threads involved I can't even keep up with what's going on, so in their case I'm not going to come down on either like a ton of bricks right now. However I am going to get tougher as I think you are right that I need to sometimes.

    Pat x

  7. #7

    Default For 4 months QPH has been THREATENING TO POST

    PRIVATE MESSAGES between himself and myself. They were PRIVATE messages, and I kept them private, but he held no respect for privacy. He harassed me and threatened me, and I did my best to ignore it. Finally, He verbally attacked Patricia, and I lost my patience, because who has the right to attack the person who owns this website? He called me a liar, and threatened to show our private messages, so now tell me, what did I do wrong? Except post those same private messages he himself threatened to post? QPH has been dangling "I'm going to post private messages" over all of us for the last 4 months, and some of you said "Post them post them!". And I was overly sick and tired of this ungoing drama, and those private messages were not even exciting or important! So, yes I posted them myself. To end all this relentless threatening, and nonsense, and to finally have some peace and quiet. If QPH's personal details are in them, its not my problem, as he wanted them posted, so they are now posted. Not my problem the after-effects he has caused himself by playing this harassing game. What does it show you? Well, just that If someone says they want private information to be shown to the world wide web.. and if they say it over and over... well, maybe just maybe they will have that happen. QPH, you shot yourself in your own foot. I didnt reveal anything about you. I just posted the private messages that you were dying over the last 4 months to see posted. I didnt betray any of my client's confidence. All my clients are safe and sound with me. Especially, since I'm lucky enough to have never seen a client who harassed me or threatened me before. QPH is a cyber ghost who made a wish and it came true.

    QPH, Dont go crying around now about what you asked for. You asked private messages to be posted, and now they are. Not my fault what you wrote in them. You asked the world to see private messages, and now they do. I did your bidding.

    There you go.
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 30-10-08 at 20:59.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    QPH I have to agree Dolly should never has posted your private info. I am going to contact her now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Oh I see your here Dolly... Will you take QPH's private info down now. I don't think it should be up.

  10. #10

    Default Patricia,

    He has been saying for 4 months that he wanted everyone to read the private messages. And it was ME who said "Drop it" "Forget it" "Let it go" and he relentlessly went on and on and on, then actually started talking shit about me trading sex for a bottle of milk??? And gave me a 48 hour deadline to apologize for saying the things he did against me? He said to retract my statements or he would post private messages. And plenty of people told him to post them too.
    Patricia, I have posted them myself. As I was the subject of those private messages, and was being bounced around for 4 months, as QPH posted threats to Paws and yourself. He was going to post them unedited, so he said (or would he have edited himself out of them??), but I have posted the unedited private messages instead. I will not be threatened. I would rather go and post them MYSELF, and reveal my own private information MYSELF, then to continuously be a victim of harrassement and threats. He was more then ready to reveal everything I said, not concerning himself of my safety or privacy, yet he feels he has a right to edit out what he wrote to me? It doesnt work that way. If he wants all unedited private messages posted, then that is what he will have done.

    Why do you think I kept telling him to "drop it" "Forget it" "Stop talking about it"? Because there was private information about me only? No, I also knew there was private information about him too. For 4 months, I told him to give this subject up. He obviously thought he could reveal my private information without showing his own. But sorry, the game doesn't work that way. This is a fair game. If he would show all my privacy to the world, then his will be there also.
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 30-10-08 at 21:20.

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