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Thread: Uncovered: Shocking investigation reveals sex trade in girls bought in Romania and so

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Uncovered: Shocking investigation reveals sex trade in girls bought in Romania and so

    Saw this on the front page of the Sunday mirror today in the local shop

    Young sex slaves from Romania are being sold in Ireland by trafficking gangs making millions from the seedy vice trade.

    And today we can reveal the Eastern European 'Mr Big' offering the girls for sale.

    Shortly after this photograph was taken in a seedy Romanian club, evil Adrian Meder boasted to our undercover reporter that women could be bought for as little as €600 and be working in Ireland by Wednesday.

    Gloating Meder said: “The girls will do 20 clients a day, no problem. These girls can make you a millionaire.”

    We can reveal Meder, 31, is one of a network of gang bosses selling young women to pimps and arranging for them to be brought here, exploiting the relaxation in EU border controls.

    Our investigators infiltrated a trafficking gang operating out of Sibiu, in the poverty-stricken heart of Transylvania, making huge profits from women in squalid conditions.

    Meder told us: “If you are okay with the girls and don’t beat them they will be good. They know what they do.”

    For the first time since migrants from Romania and Bulgaria were allowed to freely enter and work anywhere in the EU, we can reveal the sickening plight of girls lured from high school and sold into the Irish sex trade.
    Very long article...

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to dob For This Useful Post:

    Jack in the Box (23-02-14), jacklad3 (24-02-14), Luna Nueva (24-02-14), nikole_vb3 (23-02-14), Rachel Divine (23-02-14)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Even if this 'investigative' piece of journalism is true to the last, how will the current proposed legal changes make it anything but vastly worse?
    I do hope the investigative reporters who got this story made all information available to the relevant authorities, including Interpol and the Romanian police as a matter of urgency, though I strongly suspect more than a little element of creative writing may be involved!

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to The Libertarian For This Useful Post:

    Clyde (23-02-14), Jack in the Box (23-02-14)

  5. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Okay. Pimps making making with girls working on free will ...

    Go for the girls or clients will make no difference to the pimps.

    Put it this way , they are operating for ages and no matter the law is they will find a way to "play" ..

    Back to another important point. The pimp says he is not forcing them , beating them up and so on.

    I have said it for ages now , myself.

    Doesn't work like that anymore , very true Mr Pimp.

  6. #4


    Why only Romania comes up with stories like that????Why I never heard about other countries.....cause I am sure it does happen in many places not only in ROMANIA!!!!!!

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to SexyLora For This Useful Post:

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  8. #5
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    Oct 2012


    I have just read the above article which Dob has brought to our attention, and literally, I couldn’t believe what I was reading. This is because, like The Libertarian, I strongly believe that the article is completely fabricated to justify the agenda of Ruhama and TORL.

    From the Article

    And today we can reveal the Eastern European 'Mr Big' offering the girls for sale.

    Shortly after this photograph was taken in a seedy Romanian club, evil Adrian Meder boasted to our undercover reporter that women could be bought for as little as €600 and be working in Ireland by Wednesday.

    Bosses of organized crime do not boast to anyone outside their gang about their activities for fear that details of their activities would soon “get back” to the Police, and their criminal operations would soon be closed down.

    We can reveal Meder, 31, is one of a network of gang bosses selling young women to pimps and arranging for them to be brought here, exploiting the relaxation in EU border controls.
    Scumbags such as pimps and human traffickers are not “exploiting the relaxation in EU border controls”; pimps and human traffickers by the nature of their operations are already breaking several Laws which carry severe penalties.

    For the first time since migrants from Romania and Bulgaria were allowed to freely enter and work anywhere in the EU, we can reveal the sickening plight of girls lured from high school and sold into the Irish sex trade.

    On Thursday, just weeks after Romanians and Bulgarians were granted the new working rights, we were offered a deal to buy four girls three weeks after contacting a UK fixer.

    “There is no problems with them going anywhere because they have opened the gate on working. This kind of work it is between the rules. They can’t do nothing to you.”

    What a fine, law-abiding human trafficker Meder is to “wait until Romanians and Bulgarians were granted new working rights” in order to “sell girls into the Irish Sex Industry”. As I highlighted previously, scum such as pimps and human traffickers are breaking several Laws due to the nature of their activities, and have not been/are not/and will not be deterred by any current or future Legislation Implementations.

    “There is no problems with them going anywhere because they have opened the gate on working. This kind of work it is between the rules. They can’t do nothing to you.”

    Meder told us the girls were instructed to dupe immigration officials into believing they were entering Ireland to work in legitimate professions.

    One of these quotes contradicts the other; if supposedly “they have opened the gate on working. This kind of work it is between the rules. They can’t do nothing to you”, why would Meder have “instructed the girls to dupe immigration officials into believing they were entering Ireland to work in legitimate professions”. This is yet another inconsistency which yet again proves that the above article is most likely a work of fiction fabricated to justify the agenda of Ruhama and TORL.

    In a vain attempt to legitimise his operation, Meder assured our team: “They go because they want to go, I do not tell them. They are not forced. It is no longer working like that.”
    In a scenario where a piece of human scum such as a pimp or human trafficker were running a highly lucrative (and illegal) operation, why would he suddenly develop a conscience (and accompanying fear of the Law) with regards to his activities? This is because the article is fabricated to justify the agenda of TORL and Ruhama.

    “If you want to make good money you have to change them. I have girls two weeks in England. After that I go three weeks with them in Norway and then after that Swiss and after that Ireland. One friend of mine in one year with three girls he make €1million. When I meet him in Austria he come with a Maserati. A €350,000 car. With just three girls in one year.”

    “We will be calling on the Minister of Justice to act on the recommendation of the Oireachtas report which was published last summer and which unanimously recommended that Ireland should criminalise the purchase of sexual services.”

    A pimp brings girls to Norway? In Norway, Swedish-style Legislation (where “purchasers of Sexual Services” face criminal prosecution [and also the same legislation which Ruhama/TORL are seeking to have implemented and enacted]) is in operation. According to Ruhama/TORL, did Norway (along with Sweden and Iceland) not become a “cold house” for scum such as pimps and human traffickers as a result of Swedish-style Legislation?
    (It is also worth noting at this point that the negative implications of Swedish-style Legislation upon those whom it supposedly serves to protect is well documented, and is beyond apparent in States in which it is implemented and enacted).

    The above are just some of the obviously fabricated and inconsistent quotes from the aforementioned article.

  9. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to The Equalizer For This Useful Post:

    dob (23-02-14), Jack in the Box (23-02-14), jacklad3 (25-02-14), Rachel Divine (24-02-14)

  10. Default

    Well said Equalizer. We can see Ruhama's mask slipping. Also when are these rags going to differentiate between trafficking and slavery and the many independent escorts who don't have pimps following them everywhere.

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jack in the Box For This Useful Post:

    jacklad3 (25-02-14), The Equalizer (24-02-14)

  12. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    To Equalizer

    Bosses of organized crime do not boast to anyone outside their gang about their activities for fear that details of their activities would soon “get back” to the Police, and their criminal operations would soon be closed down.

    If he's selling girls for the sex trade then the buyer probably knows the details of his activities anyway., so that objection doesn't make sense. And police knowing and doing are two different things. You think the police don't know who the major drug dealers are in this country? They can't arrest anyone until they can prove it.

    Scumbags such as pimps and human traffickers are not “exploiting the relaxation in EU border controls”; pimps and human traffickers by the nature of their operations are already breaking several Laws which carry severe penalties.

    The more relaxed the immigration control the easier it is. That's like saying thieves won't exploit less security because stealing is breaking the law.

    What a fine, law-abiding human trafficker Meder is to “wait until Romanians and Bulgarians were granted new working rights” in order to “sell girls into the Irish Sex Industry”.

    If you read the article you see he wasn't waiting. It merely said that this particular deal was taking place a few weeks after the granting of working rights. He's clearly been doing this for a while.

    One of these quotes contradicts the other; if supposedly “they have opened the gate on working. This kind of work it is between the rules. They can’t do nothing to you”, why would Meder have “instructed the girls to dupe immigration officials into believing they were entering Ireland to work in legitimate professions”. This is yet another inconsistency which yet again proves that the above article is most likely a work of fiction fabricated to justify the agenda of Ruhama and TORL.

    Between the rules is an ambiguous translation, but I think it's describing the situation in Ireland well enough. You can work as an escort, but you can only do it alone, with no one arranging anything and no one else using the accommodation. Saying they can't touch you isn't true, but he's trying to seal a deal here. If it was you buying the girls you know you'd want them to say they were working in hotels too. No point painting a target on your back.

    In a scenario where a piece of human scum such as a pimp or human trafficker were running a highly lucrative (and illegal) operation, why would he suddenly develop a conscience (and accompanying fear of the Law) with regards to his activities? This is because the article is fabricated to justify the agenda of TORL and Ruhama.

    You don't know how evil he is. Few people are outright sociopaths but many people are good at lying to themselves to ease their conscience. And he's trying to seal a deal so wants to make it as legit as possible for the potential buyer.
    Rachel already endorsed this part of the story, and I think it's probably true too. You're using something truthful that he has said to prove the story is false, which is amazing if you think about it.

    The above are just some of the obviously fabricated and inconsistent quotes from the aforementioned article.

    I think I've dealt with every part you think is fabricated or inconsistent now. The rest of your comments are about the introduction of the swedish model, which I also oppose.
    Last edited by Parrot; 23-02-14 at 23:49.

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Parrot For This Useful Post:

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  14. #8
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    Oct 2011


    Was in the U.K. over the W/E and the article was in the Sunday Mirror but where it say Ireland here substitute England there. Just a piece of very poor journalism trying to stir fear in the general public.

  15. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to the traveller For This Useful Post:

    jacklad3 (25-02-14), nikole_vb3 (24-02-14), Rachel Divine (24-02-14)

  16. #9
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    “We will be calling on the Minister of Justice to act on the recommendation of the Oireachtas report which was published last summer and which unanimously recommended that Ireland should criminalise the purchase of sexual services.”
    A pimp brings girls to Norway? In Norway, Swedish-style Legislation (where “purchasers of Sexual Services” face criminal prosecution [and also the same legislation which Ruhama/TORL are seeking to have implemented and enacted]) is in operation. According to Ruhama/TORL, did Norway (along with Sweden and Iceland) not become a “cold house” for scum such as pimps and human traffickers as a result of Swedish-style Legislation?
    (It is also worth noting at this point that the negative implications of Swedish-style Legislation upon those whom it supposedly serves to protect is well documented, and is beyond apparent in States in which it is implemented and enacted).
    I like this bit and you are spot on. If this guy is allegedly doing this and taking girls into areas were they have adopted the Swedish law then it shows that it is ineffective and reason enough for why it is not the solution for trafficking. There is nothing more to say!

  17. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Curvaceous Kate For This Useful Post:

    Davidontour (24-02-14), jacklad3 (25-02-14), The Equalizer (24-02-14)

  18. #10
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    This looks like the kind of journalism that convinced us we were all going to die of bird flu, the MMR jab was going to destroy our children and the Millenium Bug was going to take us all back to the stone age.

  19. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Davidontour For This Useful Post:

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