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Thread: Liz?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    So bbj are you in constant contact with her royal lowness? you seem to always reply to her within minutes. The start of more than a beautiful friendship??

  2. #12
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Thumbs up Bbj......... You missed off the ......... Lizzy bit at the end

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbadjohn View Post
    cheers qph

    not as big a laugh as ive had though

    once i,d suckered old big paws into believing it then everyone followed

    it puts a whole new slant on my posts does it not???


    Ohhhhhhh yout took off Lizzy's Guardian Angela..........

    Oh shit im so confused is this bbj or liz/liz or bbj......... damn i think we may have been scuppered...........

    Kisses ohhhhhhhh so not tranparent..........real great big wet juicy kisses........ Nerrrrrr can't carry on being nice......... this way they will know its the bitch........

    Need to go pee off Gemma ciao .......... just to pee off twat paws.

  3. #13
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Talking Ahhhhhhh you jealous..........tee hee

    Quote Originally Posted by skyblue40 View Post
    so bbj are you in constant contact with her royal lowness? You seem to always reply to her within minutes. The start of more than a beautiful friendship??

    now read what you have written .......... Her lowness ............

    Why do you think that i write back to you like you are scum - cos you are.

    Night paddy.................:d:d:d:d

  4. #14

    Default ignore

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post

    I wonder if you would take the time to answer a few questions I have, as I just dont understand your actions.

    As far as I can tell, you are trying to defeat who you see as bullies on this site.

    Do you think your strategy is working? I mean I dont blame you for trying, but is this the way to go about it?
    Do you not think that you yourself, are now putting people off from posting?
    Why do you think it is so important on a site, that you have stated, you will not be using, as you will not be coming to ireland?
    Why do you feel that you have to lower yourself to their standards, instead if maintaining a dignified logical arguement? There is a saying that once you do that, they have "won".
    Do you honestly feel that this is a constructive use of your time? It does seems to be consuming a large amount of your time and effort, and I am sure you would much rather be spending it doing something else, much more positive. Is this really how you want to spend your days? They dont last forever you know.
    Would you not normally just ignore what amounts to childish petty insults and dismiss it as childish nonsense and not get involved, and advise others to do the same? After all, you are a mature, educated lady are you not?

    I do feel that you need to take a long hard look at all this and decide whether it really is worth continuing this way. I'm sure that an intelligent positive person would decide that its not, and put all that energy to good use.

    Or you could try a different tack, and not respond to any insults, no matter how bad they may be and simply post only positive or light hearted items and show everyone that side of you. I'm sure you could make your point just as well that way.

    I could have addressed this to any number of people, its just that you are the most prominent.

    Thank you for listening

    Rory, How could you start a topic on this 'mad cow' againl. We have all decided to ignore her. Crazy people need a reaction ... don't give her one and she'll (saggy arse and all) will go away!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Because I believe that people can ignore the sort of comments that you have made and see them as not important, real and not worth responding to, as they are not a reflection of who a person really is - how could they be?
    This is just an anonymous website and not worth getting upset about.

  6. #16

    Default worth

    So are you saying the comments she has made are WORTH RESPONDING TO.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Tigergirl (1 or 2)...

    Quote Originally Posted by tigergirls View Post
    Rory, How could you start a topic on this 'mad cow' againl. We have all decided to ignore her. Crazy people need a reaction ... don't give her one and she'll (saggy arse and all) will go away!
    Not sure which one but still purring by the looks of things and hopefully no shortage of Tony’s for your tank.

    How are things, hope your claws are a little dented from your foray into this world but still shape.

    In defense of Rory he took the time to post something Liz related that was not dripping with venom and he asked out of genuine interest and maybe in an attempt to get past all the negative waves, but yet again everyone INCLUDING Liz did not avail of the opportunity. That’s a pity as it was an opportunity to see what makes her tick and not just tock. No one is born bad and everyone deserves a chance and would ask Liz to not go after those that don’t deserve it.

    And anyone who has issue (and some have valid reasons) with her then why does any thread she posts in skyrocket in viewings? You obviously are drawn to aggro just as much so we all are culpable to one degree or another.

    Its E-I 10th today, so is that the age of most of you as well, cop on everyone, and that includes Liz.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    Because I believe that people can ignore the sort of comments that you have made and see them as not important, real and not worth responding to, as they are not a reflection of who a person really is - how could they be?
    This is just an anonymous website and not worth getting upset about.
    Everybody should remember what rory has said for future reference when they get worked up over something or someone on this site. What's the point getting worked up about someone you don't know and never met. It's better to ignore and move on.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

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