Apologies. Heading: Blind date was going grand

Quote Originally Posted by friedbananas View Post
Caption 1: Jaysus I'm shocking nervous... I'm delirah you said you'd come out with me. You're a fine thing ya know but sure everyone knows tha and sure de boys are all mad jealous - would ya look at the fuckers over there at de bar lookin over here, mad jealous they are cos like you're a fine thing - Christ I'm sweatin buckets here - are ya sure you're alright for a drink? Tis no bother getting ya another - me Ma said to make sure I look afta ya - she's made up I'm out with a bird - she got me this jumper n all - TKMaxx I think - ah sure listen I'm up to the bar to get you another - Voddy and diet? ok no bother - I might stop off and have a word with de lads for a bit... d'ya want some crips too?

Caption 2: yeah wha eva