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Thread: The Bitching on These Boards - Be Warned Everyone

  1. #41
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Thanks mate....... totally agree

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    That’s what I thought prior to my time here, imagine my horror on entering the E-I members sports complex, jumping into the pool and halfway in realising it was a peculiar shade of yellow, and don’t get me started when I asked for a few rounds in the ring.

    In fairness Liz and I know you might take a piece outa me some time in the near future but it should be noted that you took the first step in this thread and actually apologized to Gemma but no-one else has as yet reciprocated, they only posted fake as Euro Disney I love you post’s. Now you have gone way over the top on people who did not deserve it and that includes Gemma initially as if memory serves she only posted on retiring from which this all mainly stemmed. I also agree that some of the things that were said to you and yours were totally uncalled for and you have every right to be angry, anyone who’s nursed someone back to health only to lose them would be offended. Please don’t flame me, I can’t help liking you as I always like Women with fire in their belly and don’t take s**t from anyone, and no-one can accuse you of not having fire. I just wish you would target that fire more accurately. Please see that all most here want is a feeding frenzy much like a swarm of Piranhas that lasts for a few posts and moves on, don’t give them the satisfaction.
    Wont go into how the Gemmagate started but it was cos she is 18 and retiring - thats something that you hear from escorts that are in their late thirties or forties that have been in the business for a while, made their dosh and got out for one reason or another just not at 18 retiring makes you wonder how long she has been doing this - legally is all.

    I have apologised to Gemma although she has not seen fit to apologise to me - so like you say - why bother - just shows that even though im a stinking Brit i do have good manners - why write the shit of i love you lizzy etc., this site is full of men and women that are just full of it.

    I had to write to Patricia more than once before anything got done - when she read the filth that little toe rag wrote she couldn't believe it - and with others telling her that it was all true what he had said then........... thats how come that his post was removed - to have such hatred in your heart for the English is a bit sick - but i do trully believe him to be a very sick individual and one that is dangerous to be honest with you.

    I will stick up for my right to have an opinion on anything i like and to speak my mind freely and to watch others backs - always been a fair minded person but i hate bullies especially men that bully women - its just second to hitting a woman for me -

    Nighty night sweetie....... xx

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    That’s what I thought prior to my time here, imagine my horror on entering the E-I members sports complex, jumping into the pool and halfway in realising it was a peculiar shade of yellow, and don’t get me started when I asked for a few rounds in the ring.

    In fairness Liz and I know you might take a piece outa me some time in the near future but it should be noted that you took the first step in this thread and actually apologized to Gemma but no-one else has as yet reciprocated, they only posted fake as Euro Disney I love you post’s. Now you have gone way over the top on people who did not deserve it and that includes Gemma initially as if memory serves she only posted on retiring from which this all mainly stemmed. I also agree that some of the things that were said to you and yours were totally uncalled for and you have every right to be angry, anyone who’s nursed someone back to health only to lose them would be offended. Please don’t flame me, I can’t help liking you as I always like Women with fire in their belly and don’t take s**t from anyone, and no-one can accuse you of not having fire. I just wish you would target that fire more accurately. Please see that all most here want is a feeding frenzy much like a swarm of Piranhas that lasts for a few posts and moves on, don’t give them the satisfaction.
    i know we have not seen eye to eye in the past, but its part of being a member of a forum (eventhough sometimes you suffer from typing diarrahrea).

    I too would like to see this whole thing finally put to bed ,eventhough i started two polls but these were meant as a joke. I myself also have a pauchion for women with fire in their bellies , but you have understand that being irish ,we dont like having the piss taken from people across the pond, be it male or female.

    Recently i said i was finished with this site as it was developing a vicious "follow the leader mentality" that maybe i was party too, maybe not . But like yourself the lure of the site was too much for me (i weak you see)

    Maybe your return here might bring back a piece of normality again, or maybe not we'll see.


  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Wont go into how the Gemmagate started but it was cos she is 18 and retiring - thats something that you hear from escorts that are in their late thirties or forties that have been in the business for a while, made their dosh and got out for one reason or another just not at 18 retiring makes you wonder how long she has been doing this - legally is all.

    I have apologised to Gemma although she has not seen fit to apologise to me - so like you say - why bother - just shows that even though im a stinking Brit i do have good manners - why write the shit of i love you lizzy etc., this site is full of men and women that are just full of it.

    I had to write to Patricia more than once before anything got done - when she read the filth that little toe rag wrote she couldn't believe it - and with others telling her that it was all true what he had said then........... thats how come that his post was removed - to have such hatred in your heart for the English is a bit sick - but i do trully believe him to be a very sick individual and one that is dangerous to be honest with you.

    I will stick up for my right to have an opinion on anything i like and to speak my mind freely and to watch others backs - always been a fair minded person but i hate bullies especially men that bully women - its just second to hitting a woman for me -

    Nighty night sweetie....... xx
    Couldn’t agree more with bullying being second to hitting, but sometimes the verbal is worse then the physical, and sadly some Men excel at the mental side, and that’s not directed at anyone here as they don’t even rate compared to the subtlety it can be developed to, often only a look, nothing more.

    I don’t agree that something is necessarily suspect about retiring at 18. I mean not to intrude on her reasons but She did state that She got what She wanted from Escorting and that only required a year to meet that goal and that She is nearly 19. I think the crossed wires possibly started when she announced a farewell tour on account of so many requesting one for the road so to speck and that was possibly interpreted as a marketing ploy. I know nothing about her other then there are many that would climb the spire in their jock straps in defense of how professional She is so I don’t think it’s fair to cast aspersions on her motives, if she’s back next year with a profile then you’ll have been proved right and if not, proved wrong and it’s best to leave it at that.

    You do have the higher of the moral high ground regardless of what went before so don’t squander it as you made the first gesture and all other parties did show immaturity in not reciprocating and ending this. That is there in black and white at the moment.

    On the issue of Paddy wackery Liz, I don’t get offended by terms like Paddy, they are only letters and if no harm no foul but please be aware that I am proud of my Country, and I mean that statement literally as in my “Country” not necessarily all it’s inhabitants, I love its Geography, Nature, History, personality and Identity. What and who its given to the world, voluntarily or forcibly or through necessity and hemorrhage. I do not like what large parts of it have become, IE a carbon copy of any high street or shopping center anywhere in the world where some talk with that AA roadwatch type bland accents and spend all day bitching and all night drinking to oblivion and pretending to be something they are not.

    That said I do not feel the need to knock the UK in order to be patriotic, most of my Family worked in the UK at one time or another, I was born there within an oligarchs checkbook throwing distance of Stanford Bridge in fact. England has the paradox of being bad to Ireland but good to the Irish in the main if not in totallity. It took a lot of us in whether for profit or compassion is beside the point, Ireland in the 50s was a failed state and its only money earnt hard and sent from England home like Money sent from Ireland now to other parts of the world , quite probably by some Escorts who advertise here that kept us afloat. Everyone here will have or had someone who is or did either thrived or just survived in the UK. What I am saying Liz is I refuse to catergorise 70 Million English, so please don’t catergorise 4 Million Irish. I love this old sod as you love blighty but there is not one square inch of either that is worth one person dying over, it’s only soil and rock at the end of the day.

    YouTube - The Dubliners - McAlpine's Fusiliers

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ninebythree View Post
    i know we have not seen eye to eye in the past, but its part of being a member of a forum (eventhough sometimes you suffer from typing diarrahrea).

    I too would like to see this whole thing finally put to bed ,eventhough i started two polls but these were meant as a joke. I myself also have a pauchion for women with fire in their bellies , but you have understand that being irish ,we dont like having the piss taken from people across the pond, be it male or female.

    Recently i said i was finished with this site as it was developing a vicious "follow the leader mentality" that maybe i was party too, maybe not . But like yourself the lure of the site was too much for me (i weak you see)

    Maybe your return here might bring back a piece of normality again, or maybe not we'll see.

    That’s sound Nbt, I don’t hold grudges, If my posts truly cause angst then I apologize but that’s just me. Never had nor wish to have any issue with you, no issue with anyone in fact, but I told the total truth in everything. If that pissed people off then so be it. I do not mind not seeing eye to eye, I mind having both hand’s tied behind my back at the expense of another.

    Rest assured, I’m on a high fibre diet

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Hi QPH,
    I'm sorry but I just can't take it anymore, I have tried to avoid the whole Lizzy phenomena apart from the little jibe here and there but to sit here a read her trying to portray herself as the innocent injured party is just taking it a bit far, I know you are a reasonable man and obviously can read as well as you write so may I suggest you read lizzy's posts from the start, you will see a pattern forming and I know you will take exception to most of them as she has said some vile things about both escorts, punters and the Irish which were NOT in jest and of course she tries to retract in later posts.
    Now I'm not condoning anything that was said (I have bit my lip on several occasions) but if I were to choose which camp I was to be in it certainly would not be hers.
    If anyone should be removed from a site it should be her as she was correctly identified as a cyber-troll (This is an actual name given to certain personality types in cyberspace (the internet)) and as with the mystical creature they are a nasty individual to have on any forum.
    Now I appreciatte you do not see eye to eye with a few individuals on this site and you may be tempted to label them with the same name but they are not Trolls, yes they would come under other classifications but everyone on any forum will tell you a Troll is the worst one to have nesting on your forum.
    Sorry for the long post, I normally keep it short and sweet but It's QPH, I know he'd appreciatte it!!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Talking Ah, here we go today


    Anon163, sexybabehere, and bigpaws are all the same motherfucking bastard son of the ugliest and dirtiest bitch known to planet earth. The poor bastard is still angry with his fucking mother for having sex with men while ignoring little paws bastard, it may have been a hard childhood sure, then now bigmouth is still searching for his mother attention through the escorting business, here in the website he thinks one day will find his fucking mother and she will jump into his arms jajajajaaaaa, I mean, are you Irish people really so fucked up??? Is it the wheather or the Guiness to blame for???? And he thinks of himself as having a strong personality , maybe he didn't really meet a real man yet, or maybe all those men he saw through his childhood coming out of his fucking mother bedroom have made him so weak and so desperate that he has to act and play the role of the strong personality type

    Fuking Irish Herd...

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Nasty negative material

    Quote Originally Posted by Flypan View Post

    Anon163, sexybabehere, and bigpaws are all the same motherfucking bastard son of the ugliest and dirtiest bitch known to planet earth. The poor bastard is still angry with his fucking mother for having sex with men while ignoring little paws bastard, it may have been a hard childhood sure, then now bigmouth is still searching for his mother attention through the escorting business, here in the website he thinks one day will find his fucking mother and she will jump into his arms jajajajaaaaa, I mean, are you Irish people really so fucked up??? Is it the wheather or the Guiness to blame for???? And he thinks of himself as having a strong personality , maybe he didn't really meet a real man yet, or maybe all those men he saw through his childhood coming out of his fucking mother bedroom have made him so weak and so desperate that he has to act and play the role of the strong personality type

    Fuking Irish Herd...
    I got the impression, that this was exactly the type of material that Patricia does'nt want to see on E-I.

    Faced with this type of vile provocation, there is only one response that the practicing Christian should make......drop the pants, bare both cheeks.....and proclaim..........................

    Eu te amo Flypan

    What's needed around here is a 1970s style John Lennon/Yoko Ono love-in. All together now: "All you need is love lalalala..........

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Flypan View Post

    Anon163, sexybabehere, and bigpaws are all the same motherfucking bastard son of the ugliest and dirtiest bitch known to planet earth. The poor bastard is still angry with his fucking mother for having sex with men while ignoring little paws bastard, it may have been a hard childhood sure, then now bigmouth is still searching for his mother attention through the escorting business, here in the website he thinks one day will find his fucking mother and she will jump into his arms jajajajaaaaa, I mean, are you Irish people really so fucked up??? Is it the wheather or the Guiness to blame for???? And he thinks of himself as having a strong personality , maybe he didn't really meet a real man yet, or maybe all those men he saw through his childhood coming out of his fucking mother bedroom have made him so weak and so desperate that he has to act and play the role of the strong personality type

    Fuking Irish Herd...
    OMG is Flyshit really Lizzy in disguise all this time?? no wonder he/she has re-surfaced, the alter ego was under attack so the other persona's have come out to defend the Troll LOL

    Beside's I actually taught I was being quite reasonable in my post, why attack little old me ??

    Ah well there is only 1 response:

    Flyshit even tough your an IDIOT, I still Love You!!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Who gives a fuck?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flypan View Post

    Anon163, sexybabehere, and bigpaws are all the same motherfucking bastard son of the ugliest and dirtiest bitch known to planet earth. The poor bastard is still angry with his fucking mother for having sex with men while ignoring little paws bastard, it may have been a hard childhood sure, then now bigmouth is still searching for his mother attention through the escorting business, here in the website he thinks one day will find his fucking mother and she will jump into his arms jajajajaaaaa, I mean, are you Irish people really so fucked up??? Is it the wheather or the Guiness to blame for???? And he thinks of himself as having a strong personality , maybe he didn't really meet a real man yet, or maybe all those men he saw through his childhood coming out of his fucking mother bedroom have made him so weak and so desperate that he has to act and play the role of the strong personality type

    Fuking Irish Herd...
    You protray yourself as some cool confident laid back ,cant sway me guy.Bullshit.Your doing the same thing.Reaching down to depths of sewers and digging up any old virtual bullshit that comes to mind.

    I will let you to it you cool guy,

    PS Pat you warned them and they are literally giving you the finger.What a collection opf insecure fuckin twits.No fuckin wonder all thats important is a fuckin bj or something really transforming.WHAT A LOAD OF FUCKIN BOLLOX.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default hahahhahahaha

    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    I got the impression, that this was exactly the type of material that Patricia does'nt want to see on E-I.

    Faced with this type of vile provocation, there is only one response that the practicing Christian should make......drop the pants, bare both cheeks.....and proclaim..........................

    Eu te amo Flypan

    What's needed around here is a 1970s style John Lennon/Yoko Ono love-in. All together now: "All you need is love lalalala..........
    sorry but even pissed off that made me laugh.

    thats funny shit,

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