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Thread: superheroines

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default superheroines

    Which female superheroes deserve their own Marvel movie? This is a question many have been asking lately. While super-powered women have by no means been absent from their superhero epics, thus far they've been largely relegated to supporting roles: take Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, next to be seen in 2014's 'Captain America: the Winter Soldier,' and Jaime Alexander's Lady Sif in 'Thor' and its upcoming sequel.
    Marvel producer Louis D'Esposito has spoken about the studio's awareness of the demand for a superheroine movie, and things definitely seem to be moving on that front. Elizabeth Olsen is rumoured to play Scarlet Witch Marvel in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'; the in-development 'Fantastic Four' reboot will bring a new Invisible Woman to the screen; Wasp is still expected to pop up somewhere, possibly in 'Ant-Man', given she is that character's wife; and Marvel are reportedly developing a potential TV series around Hayley Atwell's 'Captain America' character, Agent Peggy Carter.

    Quote Originally Posted by YAHOO
    So, just which female characters could potentially headline a solo Marvel movie? Here are a few that might conceivably make the grade.

    Ms Marvel
    This superheroine seems the most likely candidate to get her own movie. Air force pilot Carol Denvers is accidentally imbued with extra-terrestrial powers (obvious potential to cross over with the 'Avengers' cosmic universe), leaving her with super-speed, super-strength, and flight: all the classics. Recent rumours suggest the tall, strong and blonde character may be portrayed by 'Battlestar Galactica'/'Riddick' star Katee Sackhoff, who would certainly fit the bill physically.

    The Greek heiress turned ninja assassin has of course appeared twice on the big screen for 20th Century Fox, portrayed by Jennifer Garner in 2003's 'Daredevil,' followed by the solo 'Elektra' in 2005. Most agree that neither film came close to doing the character justice, but now that the rights to the character have reverted to Marvel, might she have earned a reboot? Sadly, Marvel have not indicated any such plans just yet, although 'Step Up 3D'/'You're Next' actress Sharni Vinson has expressed interest should the role become available.

    Unsurprisingly, this sword-swinger from Asgard is essentially a feminine variation on Thor, and has served in The Avengers and The Defenders. Given that one of her Defenders cohorts is Doctor Strange, who we also expect to see in his own movie sometime in the next few years, there may be a number of different ways she could be introduced to the Marvel movie universe.

    Another warrior woman, but this one hails from the far future, the genetically enhanced product of an advanced matriarchal society. In the comics she has often teamed up with the Fantastic Four, so perhaps she might come thundering into Fox's Marvel movies?

    She may look like one of the 'Thundercats,' and even share the name of one of their male characters, but this female feline superheroine predates that cartoon by over a decade. With her fur, tiger stripes and tail, she might be that bit too absurd for the Marvel movies just yet; but Joss Whedon has admitted having the hots for her, so the interest may be there…

    Not many superheroes reflect the era in which they were created in quite so direct (and cringe-inducing) a manner as this one. A disco singer and dancer with Kiss-like make-up wearing mirror-plated rollerskates, Dazzler has the power to convert sound-waves into light, which she uses both to glitz up her stage shows and to incapacitate her enemies. As a mutant, she could conceivably pop up in Fox's 'X-Men' universe - and not long ago, director Bryan Singer jokingly tweeted that she would appear in 'Days of Future Past,' portrayed by Lady Gaga. The story was widely reported among some news outlets, who presumably hadn't noticed it was April 1st at the time.
    Can you picture any of these characters headlining their own Marvel movie? Any others you'd like to see on the big screen - maybe She-Hulk, Black Cat, Madame Medusa, Spider-Woman?
    Last edited by Sophia; 23-09-13 at 10:22.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    When I was younger, I would read the 2000 AD comics, more so for Judge Dredd. The recent Dredd film was brilliant, much better than that tripe Stallone was in, and Karl Urban portrayed him perfectly. Lena Heady played a brilliant antagonist and was real bad ass. The only gripe I have with the film was how they portrayed rookie Judge Anderson...

    In the comics, Dredd often worked with PSI Judge Cassandra Anderson (a psychic Judge) and these were always the best story lines, especially when they took on the likes of the Dark Judges (undead Judges from a parallel universe where they executed the living to eradicate crime completely). They would often break out in Megacity One and Dredd and Anderson would have to try to contain these Dark Judges because, of course, they are already dead and cannot be killed in the traditional sense!

    While Dredd is hard, cold, displays a lack of emotion and forces information out of perps, Anderson is compassionate, empathetic, funny and sexy (and can read minds to boot), the total antithesis of Dredd, making a these two the perfect 'good cop, bad cop' combo. Anderson often had her own story lines in 2000 AD, and she would make a brilliant lead character in her own movie:

    In the comics, Anderson always had an epic ass

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  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Wonder woman is the only one the comes to mind.
    Oh wait that's DC isn't it!
    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Best Before View Post
    Wonder woman is the only one the comes to mind.
    Oh wait that's DC isn't it!
    Maggie Thatcher

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    I think many people would approve if Scarlet's Black Widow got her own film:

    I'd love to see some more super-heroines get their own films... The Catwoman film with Halle Berry with just... let's not go there

    I think a Wonder Woman film would be difficult, as she is a big character to try and play (especially after the whole fiasco of Ben Affleck playing Batman now)

    Why not some of the lesser-known heroines? The Scarlet Witch (Marvel) or Lady Blackhawk (DC) would make for interesting films, yes?

  7. #6


    03 10 2013
    I think they're hinting at a possible appearance somewhere of Ms.Marvel, possibly in the Black suit with the lightning slash. Rumours are that Katee Sackoff from Battlestar has her hand up screaming for the role and she could carry it off too. She-Hulk was mentioned too and makes a kind of sense given the up-coming Hulk movies. She could be worked into those BUT only if she's the John Byrne Shulkie and not the 'savage' She-Hulk travesty. DC wise....gotta be the Amazon. I think their issues lie with the old tv show but they should just do as they did with Supes and Bats. Go in with someone who respects the material and tell it like a classic. There's plenty of material to chose from...both from the Ancient Greek lore (those dudes have invaded the Amazons home more than once) and from her adventures once she made it to America.
    Would love a Birds of Prey would be class....


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