Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
This didnt help things,

YouTube - Bush Blair Endless Love

Tony having his tongue wrapped so warmly around Georges Daddy Bags all for to attack some invisible enemy made up by America after they destroyed their own twin towers and cost so many of their own ppls lives.

The world has gone retarded.The banks have loaned way too much,way too many ppl are living wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond their means and for what?35 -40 years?£0 years ago if you went to a bank here and asked for the equivalent of 300,00 youd be told to fuck off.Now ,no probs,want a new car too?No probs heres the loan for that too.

One good tip,a real good tip for ppl although they probably wont listen is to base all of your "main" outgoings on an average worst case sceanario.You see what happened is this.Things were all nice and shiney,lots of money floating around ,lots of spending.This is all well and good when things are bright but what about when things get bad?Anyone with half a brain and christ i wonder at times are they becoming a scarcity,will tell you that anyone can roll with the good times but the bad times are a different kettle of fish.

Its easy to see what has happened and what is happening the banks.They have loaned way too much to ppl that now ,dont have the funds to pay back.Im a fuckin genius arent i?How in the name of god does a bank expect to be paid back 300,000 form someone who now works for 39 hours per week on a wage of 45,000 p/a?

Its all the buy now and pay later is what is causing the prob and the only way for thing s to recover is to STOP LOANING MONEY TO PPL THAT CANT AFFORD WHAT THEY WANT THE MONEY FOR and its the goverments fault.Nobody elses.Ppl have gone money mad and you know one thing about being money minded?Yep ,you never have enough and the more you get the more you want and the more you want the more debt you get into.

not worth the hassle for the time we are alive,
Well put Westie. I got laughed out of it some time ago when I did my doom and gloom piece about the economy and suggested a punting moratorium to accustom certain people to the new reality that we are facing. Most people of a certain vintage obviously did not get the message at the time, but then unlike myself, recession was just a word in a dictionary for them and not something that they had experienced more than one before.

So my advise once again for punters is shop around. In the same way as you shop around for motor insurance and groceries, shop around when punting. And ladies, you too can cut your cloth to measure if you have to. Do you really need another Gucci bag, if you need to see 10 clients to afford it. Those who are able to adapt their expectations and cut their cloth will survive, those that cant, have my sympathy.

The most reviewed escort on this site is able to read the writing on the wall. I suggest that all others follow her lead and DROP PRICES NOW or forevermore hold thy peace.