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Thread: How To Find Any Escorts Exact Location!!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    How could you joke about such thing, but never mind i can breath now

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Question Masha

    Quote Originally Posted by sasha eve View Post
    How could you joke about such thing, but never mind i can breath now
    So now we have to censor jokes FFS?!?!?!?!?!?!

    That's the French for you!!!!!!!

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    QPH this was a joke ............ a complete joke!!
    Your serious point of view is valid but a little non-sensical on a joke thread don't you think???
    By all means raise the topic on a serious thread (even start one yourself??) but it can't and won't be taken seriously here ............. come on, you know that yourself!!

    You seem also to have had a sense of humor bypass Paws. I followed it through and thought it was very funny, it had me fooled completely until the end and I got a belly laugh from it, it should be pretty clear by now I like a laugh better then anyone. Some Escorts thought it was for real, that’s the only reason I posted and explained why it was not so.

    Now Paws, SHOCK HORROR as to it being obvious that I never punted, I’ve only stated so since day one. I know most streets are busy. I had assumed what was done was that the client told the Escort what he was wearing so as she could pick him out, and I imagine Escorts are very attuned to spoting fellas walking around half lost, mouth open, with a mobile up to their ear and a gormless expression on their faces, and my reference to poaching was also in humor, I was actually highlighting that you meant it as a joke, but it would not surprise me if you had something like that up you sleeve.

    I hear much reference to Escorts taking precautions, and am not sure what they can actually do in this regard other then observe a new Client when he is on the street finding whatever destination he has been directed to by Her so as She can make a judgement call, it would make perfect sense for Her to direct someone past Her apartment first to give her a chance to decide. I am referring to instances where it would be their first meeting, it would be ridiculous if it was done to someone She already knew but was working from a different location then the previous appointment. And I also am in no doubt that it may be done for other reasons, like buying time to get rid of a current client who has run overtime, as I have seen it mentioned of the dislike that a client has to be told they are currently with someone.

    If you want to know the secrets to Poaching. It’ll cost you, an Escort is but a phone call away, a Salmon is a much trickier prospect to catch. Both Punting and Poaching share some things in common,

    both have very dangerous people at every level (Personal Experience)
    both can result in actual physical harm (Personal Experience)
    both are prey to crocked Police (Personal Experience)
    both have paramilitary and other connections
    both are cut throat, dog eat dog enterprises (Personal Experience)
    both are illegal (Personal Experience)
    both carry custodial sentences (very nearly Personal Experience)
    both are highly profitable to those that are good at it (IE me)
    both are not for the faint hearted or off a nervous disposition
    both involve staying a step ahead of the law.

    As I have spent two decades sucessfully avoiding the above pitfalls, I see where the Escorts are coming from far more then supposed seasoned old timers, there is such a thing as being to close to something and losing objectivity. You may be a professional Punter Paws, but you will NEVER truly know what it is to be an Escort, neither will I, so your “experience” counts as little as my lack of same in this regard, with the difference being I have run similar (but different) risks as them for years.

    It is quite probable that I in one of my chosen career’s have more in common “without” being a Punter, then all ye swinging dick punters have collectively, You can only imagine some of the issues that effect them, but I have faced similar (BUT DIFFERENT) issues for REAL.

    A Clients problems end when they leave the apartment, an Escorts just start all over again, ye’d do well to remember that.

    Its why I support Escorts on certain issues as they run all and more of the risks mentioned above everyday and if they require little Johnny to walk a few meters over and above, then tough…

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Congratulation Quarterpoundher this phrase is so true and excellent, resume all about us
    If i have to give one trophy i believe it will be you. You are a great "orator"

    "A Clients problems end when they leave the apartment, an Escorts just start all over again, ye’d do well to remember that."

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sasha eve View Post
    Congratulation Quarterpoundher this phrase is so true and excellent, resume all about us
    If i have to give one trophy i believe it will be you. You are a great "orator"

    "A Clients problems end when they leave the apartment, an Escorts just start all over again, ye’d do well to remember that."
    Trophy humbly accepted Sasha,
    How could I refuse from such a stunning Lady.
    You beauty is on level not worthy of any Client,
    They know not what they hold, nor impudently scold.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2008


    When I first saw this mobile tracker I thought CTU and Jack Bauer must have infiltrated E-I. It was funny to see a few people who thought it was for real without clicking on it. It's a bit like being Jack Bauer when trying to find an escorts location sometimes. The other day I was on my way to meet an escort. I called her at a certain time and told me to call at a certain landmark. I was confused at the name of the place she gave me as I never heard of it. And this is my own town. There are that many new buildings going up all the time it's hard to keep up. She gave me the directions and I got to that place. The appartments were just beside it. This caper is a bit awkward at times when your on foot. You feel a bit awkward appearing at carparks at hotels or appartments. It looks a little out of place.
    I think people take QPH a little too serious here. It should be obvious to everyone that he's got a good sense of humour. Even though he's not a punter and has never had an escorting experience doesn't mean his opinions should be dismissed. He speaks alot of sense and thinks of things the rest of us wouldn't.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by sasha eve View Post
    Congratulation Quarterpoundher this phrase is so true and excellent, resume all about us
    If i have to give one trophy i believe it will be you. You are a great "orator"

    "A Clients problems end when they leave the apartment, an Escorts just start all over again, ye’d do well to remember that."
    True Sasha (and QPH - a legend already!)

    And nobody wants either Escorts or Clients to have any sort of problems.

    But remember, Escorting can be a highly financially rewarded business, and like any business that offers the sort of financial rewards that escorting does =
    High rewards = High risk

    All you can try and do is minimise those risks.

    Hey, Lets be safe out there

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Sound Man Highway...

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    When I first saw this mobile tracker I thought CTU and Jack Bauer must have infiltrated E-I. It was funny to see a few people who thought it was for real without clicking on it. It's a bit like being Jack Bauer when trying to find an escorts location sometimes. The other day I was on my way to meet an escort. I called her at a certain time and told me to call at a certain landmark. I was confused at the name of the place she gave me as I never heard of it. And this is my own town. There are that many new buildings going up all the time it's hard to keep up. She gave me the directions and I got to that place. The appartments were just beside it. This caper is a bit awkward at times when your on foot. You feel a bit awkward appearing at carparks at hotels or appartments. It looks a little out of place.
    I think people take QPH a little too serious here. It should be obvious to everyone that he's got a good sense of humour. Even though he's not a punter and has never had an escorting experience doesn't mean his opinions should be dismissed. He speaks alot of sense and thinks of things the rest of us wouldn't.
    Thanks Highway,

    You scratch my back, and I’ll…………………….Well…………………OK, I’ll scratch yours, wouldn’t be the first time now would it?….we are duo after all, and what the Lady’s want, the Lady’s get. Just put down those Pistols next time Highway, you nearly ended my career before it started last time, Diana is still not the better of it.


    Doc says he can save one of the boys, but the other took a hit for the team, don’t beat yourself up about it, we all go off half cocked at times…

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Solution!

    [QUOTE=thehighwayman;37983] The other day I was on my way to meet an escort. I called her at a certain time and told me to call at a certain landmark. I was confused at the name of the place she gave me as I never heard of it. And this is my own town. There are that many new buildings going up all the time it's hard to keep up. She gave me the directions and I got to that place. The appartments were just beside it. This caper is a bit awkward at times when your on foot. You feel a bit awkward appearing at carparks at hotels or appartments. It looks a little out of place.

    Dont worry, next time, just....

    Carry a clipboard and pretend you are from the CSO. You're fit right in - wandering aimlessly around, pencil in hand, ticking off things and muttering under your breath. You could even wear a little cap with "Count me in" written on it

    Wear an expensive suit, but with a few buttons done up wrong and make sure your tie isnt tied properly. That way, everyone will know you are a government minister who doesnt have a clue about the real world, so you will fit right in - or if you look particulary dodgy, they will just assume you are there just to do another brown paper bag exchange

    Wear a bright yellow or orange waistcoat. That way, they will just think think you are from the council, and again, they wont be at all surprised you dont seem to know where you are going, they will just be grateful to keep out of your way in case you suddenly decide to dig a bloody great big hole in a road for no good reason.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Very good Paws,

    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    To those of you followed through long enough to discover the joke and found it funny ............. you are very welcome ladies and gentlemen!!

    I thought a little light-hearted humour from all the controversy on here (especially from me!!) would have been welcomed with open arms!!!
    Some people are never happy!!!

    lets give it up for Paws,lets give it up.



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