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Thread: Thank You Ber...Thank You sincerly...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Thank You Ber...Thank You sincerly...

    I want to commend Ber in his review pertaining to Dolly, quite possibly it is the single most important review ever posted here, not just for one Escort, but for how things should ONLY EVER be done here and that is by recommendation from trusted Clients like him and not on ANYONES opinion on what is above the norm, I'm sure most would concur with that in broad outline, if not in detail. Even Paws himself.

    If I meet Ber I would shake his hand and thank him, and call him Sir, to which I call no man, ever, he has done a great service to things here and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for what he wrote.

    Escort Ireland - Escort Reviews - Review 005857 - Irish Independent Escorts, Irish Touring Escorts, Irish Escort Agencies

    Below relates not to one Escort, but to all, Escort and Client alike.

    Paws, yet again is refusing to answer my simple and fundamentally important question.

    Does anyone have the right either by accident or design to impact negatively on someone’s business on only personnel opinion ?????????????????. if they can, without censure do that then,


    Paws, by virtue of his high standing here (which I have praised many, many times, but which I now am forced to reconsider because of his failure to answer a very simple question) has the power to do that more then most, and as I said very early on months ago to him, with influence comes responsibility, (whether he like’s it or not) but this time he did so on his opinion only and not on facts. which I personally have always trusted. (to date.)

    Now we have hard facts, as Ber has now confirmed that she indeed is something very special, I said I felt she was just that from how she described herself in her website, her conduct in forum and having conversed with her privately, that was the strong impression I got and has been borne out by the testimony of quite probably one of the most respected and honest fellas here, in whose reviews I personally would stake my house on him being honest, good or bad, his review was glowing of her from start to finish, and was worded with effortless style and tact, and ended with…

    “I salute a very special lady she has taken this game to a new level”

    “A whole new level,”

    This from a very respected and long time client who I have not seen given to flights of fancy and says things as he sees them. I also said before his visit that she has it within her to be one of the leading lights here, and that again has been proven by Ber. Paws said he asks him to compare her to Alexi and found her comparable, that is about as high a compliment and recommendation as you can get, and her credentials as are far as I am concerned are now fireproof and cannot be called into question. Her rate is for any prospective client to decide on. I was stunned at just how well he described his time with her, but not surprised, I stated that I felt she was something very different and feel she puts real emotion into things, like you Paws, that was just my “opinion” and was based on no “facts” but that is no longer the case because of Bers hugely important input via his review, I urge anyone who wishes a true Escort experience to read it and make up their own mind.

    Now Ber (Via Paws) said between the two he would go with Alexi because of rate, now aside from the fact that she is even being compared to someone of such high standing here for so long, so soon to being on the scene here speaks volumes for her, I have not the slightest issue or problem with that in any way shape or form, I said over and over again that Paws or anyone is entitled to say who they feel is greedy or otherwise, but on FACTS and FACTS alone, the facts now are that she has been proven to be a near equal to Alexi D, with the difference being that Dolly may well be here a lot more and visits places that are more of the beaten track with less populations and has stated that she will amble along in a lovely and laid back manner to even an individuals house far and wide. THAT’S COSTS TIME & MONEY.

    My core point is that we now know from a respected reviewer, She is in the top of the league as regard how good she is, (Rate is a separate issue) all I am saying is that she very nearly was forced out before anyone got a chance to find out, as it now transpires from Ber, She is pure Gold dust in how she approaches things and all of ye could of lost out on this solely because of someones “Opinion” and nothing else.


    I say again and ask Paws to answer me once and for all……for the betterment of things here, which he say’s all his work is to that end, answer me this………….

    Is it right for someone of influence to very very nearly destroy someone’s business on his “opinion” only and not on “facts” it is fundamentally important to things here for all sides, it is “Personally” important to me for him to answer this question and this question alone.

    Someone who I felt, and is now proven to be very different, was very nearly crushed out of this arena here on nothing more then hearsay and not forced out because it was found they were up to the sort of things that we are are all to familiar with, thanks in large part to Paws on that occasion, but on this occasion the opposite is true, If she proves herself unworthy of the praise that Ber gave her, then you know what , I will become a Punter if that happens, that is how confident I am in Bers testimony and in how strongly I feel she will be an absolute star of things in this arena here, regardless of rate.

    How is her nearly being squeezed out by opinion alone possibly for the betterment of things for Women and Men.


    Because Paws YES you did almost destroy her life, I will not tell you why, she confided in me some things and I ask YOU to thrust ME on that, as you asked ME to thrust YOU on other matters, believe me, you DID affect her in all this, even if it was unintentional and you should apologize for that, YOU REALLY SHOULD. Her efforts here very nearly died in the bud because of your words, your opinion and not your facts, and all this started with her only responding to someone willing to pay more.


    You say you contacted her to find out how much she cost, but you apparently have not deemed it important enough to contact her after all this to ask how much your words have cost her. So please do not attempt to divert attention from your obvious to all mistake here by now trying to assume the role of defending her by saying it is time drop this. It is to be quite honest hugely hypocritical, You are honor bound to answer such fundamentally important questions, if you will not , then you have no business having such influence here,


    This is not about one Escort, it is about the bigger picture,


    How can this forum be an equal for Women as well as Men, when they can be caught up in something so potentially dangerous to their business when only responding to a client. Is it any wonder that more do not contribute when at any time and without warning any one of them can find themselves caught up in huge mess even if they were only engaged in a bit of banter.


    This whole thing and a singular lack of input from the Escorts to rally to her cause is proof for me that the Escorts feel they cannot voice there true feelings on things for fear of incurring a similar fate, given the innocuous nature of what eventually befell her, is it any wonder that more Escorts do not engage in the forum when the hammer is permanently waiting to fall on the next perceived transgression on the mighty men who hold sway with keyboard in hand.


    I have no wish to prolong this for the Escort in question, she knows this, I am only highlighting how dangerous it is for such serious consequences to befall someone on someone’s opinion alone, I would love to hear the views on this from the many capable and fair minded rational people both Escort and Client alike, as it goes to the heart of Clients hobby and Escorts livelihoods, and Paws as yet is proving himself incapable of fair play in this regard and I ask that if he remains so, for this whole incident to be a black mark on his reputation, yes you read right, HIS reputation, it is not just the Escorts who should be judged here, but also those who do the judging, if they are not held to an equally high standard then what faith can any new client have in what they say?



    I ask only you answer the simple question I ask of you, and to apologize for the problems you caused Her either intentionally or otherwise (I am trying very hard to hope it was unintentional) and if she accepts, then I will continue to hold you in high regard, if you do not, I will see you as nothing better then I fought against all my life, and will hold you in contempt in your inability to see my fair and logical points, for your intransigence in this I should have hit someone years ago for the very same thing. I do not wish to think ill of you Paws, I have invested a lot of faith in you, do the right thing and if nothing else apologize to her either by Pm or here for the reason I just explained, then you will have shown yourself worthy of the influence that you hold up till now I felt to be in safe hands, again I write this in the best interests of all here, and with a heavy and dispondent heart in your failure to so do so.


    If anyone (Woman or Man) is not the sailor of their own sea, then what are we?, we are but cargo in another’s hold, whose worth is determined by those who do not know us, but yet judge us, is that not the essence of Dictatorship?.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I want to commend Ber in his review pertaining to Dolly, quite possibly it is the single most important review ever posted here, not just for one Escort, but for how things should ONLY EVER be done here and that is by recommendation from trusted Clients like him and not on ANYONES opinion on what is above the norm, I'm sure most would concur with that in broad outline, if not in detail. Even Paws himself.

    If I meet Ber I would shake his hand and thank him, and call him Sir, to which I call no man, ever, he has done a great service to things here and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for what he wrote.

    Escort Ireland - Escort Reviews - Review 005857 - Irish Independent Escorts, Irish Touring Escorts, Irish Escort Agencies

    Below relates not to one Escort, but to all, Escort and Client alike.

    Paws, yet again is refusing to answer my simple and fundamentally important question.

    Does anyone have the right either by accident or design to impact negatively on someone’s business on only personnel opinion ?????????????????. if they can, without censure do that then,


    Paws, by virtue of his high standing here (which I have praised many, many times, but which I now am forced to reconsider because of his failure to answer a very simple question) has the power to do that more then most, and as I said very early on months ago to him, with influence comes responsibility, (whether he like’s it or not) but this time he did so on his opinion only and not on facts. which I personally have always trusted. (to date.)

    Now we have hard facts, as Ber has now confirmed that she indeed is something very special, I said I felt she was just that from how she described herself in her website, her conduct in forum and having conversed with her privately, that was the strong impression I got and has been borne out by the testimony of quite probably one of the most respected and honest fellas here, in whose reviews I personally would stake my house on him being honest, good or bad, his review was glowing of her from start to finish, and was worded with effortless style and tact, and ended with…

    “I salute a very special lady she has taken this game to a new level”

    “A whole new level,”

    This from a very respected and long time client who I have not seen given to flights of fancy and says things as he sees them. I also said before his visit that she has it within her to be one of the leading lights here, and that again has been proven by Ber. Paws said he asks him to compare her to Alexi and found her comparable, that is about as high a compliment and recommendation as you can get, and her credentials as are far as I am concerned are now fireproof and cannot be called into question. Her rate is for any prospective client to decide on. I was stunned at just how well he described his time with her, but not surprised, I stated that I felt she was something very different and feel she puts real emotion into things, like you Paws, that was just my “opinion” and was based on no “facts” but that is no longer the case because of Bers hugely important input via his review, I urge anyone who wishes a true Escort experience to read it and make up their own mind.

    Now Ber (Via Paws) said between the two he would go with Alexi because of rate, now aside from the fact that she is even being compared to someone of such high standing here for so long, so soon to being on the scene here speaks volumes for her, I have not the slightest issue or problem with that in any way shape or form, I said over and over again that Paws or anyone is entitled to say who they feel is greedy or otherwise, but on FACTS and FACTS alone, the facts now are that she has been proven to be a near equal to Alexi D, with the difference being that Dolly may well be here a lot more and visits places that are more of the beaten track with less populations and has stated that she will amble along in a lovely and laid back manner to even an individuals house far and wide. THAT’S COSTS TIME & MONEY.

    My core point is that we now know from a respected reviewer, She is in the top of the league as regard how good she is, (Rate is a separate issue) all I am saying is that she very nearly was forced out before anyone got a chance to find out, as it now transpires from Ber, She is pure Gold dust in how she approaches things and all of ye could of lost out on this solely because of someones “Opinion” and nothing else.



    If anyone (Woman or Man) is not the sailor of their own sea, then what are we?, we are but cargo in another’s hold, whose worth is determined by those who do not know us, but yet judge us, is that not the essence of Dictatorship?.
    You are a very intresting man but to be honest and no offence I will read the rest of your post at a later date.
    I would hate to be fighting with you. I would stand no chance.
    I assure you I will never get into a war of words with you.
    I would fall at the first fence.
    Last edited by Aidand; 12-08-08 at 13:24.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I want to commend Ber in his review pertaining to Dolly, quite possibly it is the single most important review ever posted here, not just for one Escort, but for how things should ONLY EVER be done here and that is by recommendation from trusted Clients like him and not on ANYONES opinion on what is above the norm, I'm sure most would concur with that in broad outline, if not in detail. Even Paws himself.

    If I meet Ber I would shake his hand and thank him, and call him Sir, to which I call no man, ever, he has done a great service to things here and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for what he wrote.

    Escort Ireland - Escort Reviews - Review 005857 - Irish Independent Escorts, Irish Touring Escorts, Irish Escort Agencies

    Below relates not to one Escort, but to all, Escort and Client alike.

    Paws, yet again is refusing to answer my simple and fundamentally important question.

    Does anyone have the right either by accident or design to impact negatively on someone’s business on only personnel opinion ?????????????????. if they can, without censure do that then,


    Paws, by virtue of his high standing here (which I have praised many, many times, but which I now am forced to reconsider because of his failure to answer a very simple question) has the power to do that more then most, and as I said very early on months ago to him, with influence comes responsibility, (whether he like’s it or not) but this time he did so on his opinion only and not on facts. which I personally have always trusted. (to date.)

    Now we have hard facts, as Ber has now confirmed that she indeed is something very special, I said I felt she was just that from how she described herself in her website, her conduct in forum and having conversed with her privately, that was the strong impression I got and has been borne out by the testimony of quite probably one of the most respected and honest fellas here, in whose reviews I personally would stake my house on him being honest, good or bad, his review was glowing of her from start to finish, and was worded with effortless style and tact, and ended with…

    “I salute a very special lady she has taken this game to a new level”

    “A whole new level,”

    This from a very respected and long time client who I have not seen given to flights of fancy and says things as he sees them. I also said before his visit that she has it within her to be one of the leading lights here, and that again has been proven by Ber. Paws said he asks him to compare her to Alexi and found her comparable, that is about as high a compliment and recommendation as you can get, and her credentials as are far as I am concerned are now fireproof and cannot be called into question. Her rate is for any prospective client to decide on. I was stunned at just how well he described his time with her, but not surprised, I stated that I felt she was something very different and feel she puts real emotion into things, like you Paws, that was just my “opinion” and was based on no “facts” but that is no longer the case because of Bers hugely important input via his review, I urge anyone who wishes a true Escort experience to read it and make up their own mind.

    Now Ber (Via Paws) said between the two he would go with Alexi because of rate, now aside from the fact that she is even being compared to someone of such high standing here for so long, so soon to being on the scene here speaks volumes for her, I have not the slightest issue or problem with that in any way shape or form, I said over and over again that Paws or anyone is entitled to say who they feel is greedy or otherwise, but on FACTS and FACTS alone, the facts now are that she has been proven to be a near equal to Alexi D, with the difference being that Dolly may well be here a lot more and visits places that are more of the beaten track with less populations and has stated that she will amble along in a lovely and laid back manner to even an individuals house far and wide. THAT’S COSTS TIME & MONEY.

    My core point is that we now know from a respected reviewer, She is in the top of the league as regard how good she is, (Rate is a separate issue) all I am saying is that she very nearly was forced out before anyone got a chance to find out, as it now transpires from Ber, She is pure Gold dust in how she approaches things and all of ye could of lost out on this solely because of someones “Opinion” and nothing else.


    I say again and ask Paws to answer me once and for all……for the betterment of things here, which he say’s all his work is to that end, answer me this………….

    Is it right for someone of influence to very very nearly destroy someone’s business on his “opinion” only and not on “facts” it is fundamentally important to things here for all sides, it is “Personally” important to me for him to answer this question and this question alone.

    Someone who I felt, and is now proven to be very different, was very nearly crushed out of this arena here on nothing more then hearsay and not forced out because it was found they were up to the sort of things that we are are all to familiar with, thanks in large part to Paws on that occasion, but on this occasion the opposite is true, If she proves herself unworthy of the praise that Ber gave her, then you know what , I will become a Punter if that happens, that is how confident I am in Bers testimony and in how strongly I feel she will be an absolute star of things in this arena here, regardless of rate.

    How is her nearly being squeezed out by opinion alone possibly for the betterment of things for Women and Men.


    Because Paws YES you did almost destroy her life, I will not tell you why, she confided in me some things and I ask YOU to thrust ME on that, as you asked ME to thrust YOU on other matters, believe me, you DID affect her in all this, even if it was unintentional and you should apologize for that, YOU REALLY SHOULD. Her efforts here very nearly died in the bud because of your words, your opinion and not your facts, and all this started with her only responding to someone willing to pay more.


    You say you contacted her to find out how much she cost, but you apparently have not deemed it important enough to contact her after all this to ask how much your words have cost her. So please do not attempt to divert attention from your obvious to all mistake here by now trying to assume the role of defending her by saying it is time drop this. It is to be quite honest hugely hypocritical, You are honor bound to answer such fundamentally important questions, if you will not , then you have no business having such influence here,


    This is not about one Escort, it is about the bigger picture,


    How can this forum be an equal for Women as well as Men, when they can be caught up in something so potentially dangerous to their business when only responding to a client. Is it any wonder that more do not contribute when at any time and without warning any one of them can find themselves caught up in huge mess even if they were only engaged in a bit of banter.


    This whole thing and a singular lack of input from the Escorts to rally to her cause is proof for me that the Escorts feel they cannot voice there true feelings on things for fear of incurring a similar fate, given the innocuous nature of what eventually befell her, is it any wonder that more Escorts do not engage in the forum when the hammer is permanently waiting to fall on the next perceived transgression on the mighty men who hold sway with keyboard in hand.


    I have no wish to prolong this for the Escort in question, she knows this, I am only highlighting how dangerous it is for such serious consequences to befall someone on someone’s opinion alone, I would love to hear the views on this from the many capable and fair minded rational people both Escort and Client alike, as it goes to the heart of Clients hobby and Escorts livelihoods, and Paws as yet is proving himself incapable of fair play in this regard and I ask that if he remains so, for this whole incident to be a black mark on his reputation, yes you read right, HIS reputation, it is not just the Escorts who should be judged here, but also those who do the judging, if they are not held to an equally high standard then what faith can any new client have in what they say
    I would like to clarify one thing here i am not the reviewer mentioned by bigpaws and
    i have had no contact whatsever with him., I made contact with this lady long before
    any of this controversy broke out with the intention of seeing her in fact it was on her first night after she arriving in the country.
    personally i dont agree with comparing one escort with another as every quality lady has
    certain attributes which she will be particularly strong on and others maybe not as strong.
    But i will say overall dolly is probably the finest escort i have been with and i have been
    with many exceptional ladies but overall there is something about her personsality and
    attitude which i cant really eplain but u would have to experience to know what i am talking about which sets her apart.And finally than u for ure kind words qph because
    i am indeed my own man and i believe in the truth and always call it as i see it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default length of post


    yet again i find myself struggling to read one of your posts completely.
    So i have come up with a suggestion, the next time u are going to write a mini epic......stop ,think and make a you tube video


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    QPH only the diehards could stick with reading your ridiculously lengthy post
    anyway its all about opinions and the 350 is too much money to be charging....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    That should be an end to this whole issue now. Theres a review submitted by a trusted reviewer who has 58 reviews. An escort was discussed here by members who haven't seen her. Now theres a review and people can judge for themselves. I know the escort herself wasn't in question but he price. People can make their own minds up whether to see her without her prices been pointed out to them. They can see that for themselves. We all would like lower prices but to single out one escort is not the way. It's unlike any other industry in that it isn't regulated. Theres no set price and they can charge what they like. If people find certain escorts too expensive then choose one that's of more affordable. Then you get others who will pay whatever amount regardless. It's more important to me to see a top quality escort who gives a good service. Saving a few pound wouln't be an issue. It's fine for me as I just see escorts occasionally. I suppose if you see escorts regularly it can be quiet expensive.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    The big danger with the "Good Escort"/ "Bad Escort...............greedy Escort type of classification is that we start to see price as the main issue and the main factor in deciding if an escort is worthy of visits.

    What we should be considering here is if the price repersents value for money. One escort at €350 or €500 might very well be better value to someone who can afford it than €100 might be to another who can't afford it.

    I've met girls who charged the going rate of €250 per hour, and that included all the extras, and were they worth it..........................some were certainly worth much more and others I wouldn't watse my time on again if they paid me.

    I don't do bad reviews because a girl's livehood is at stake and she might have just had a bad day , or I might be having a bad day or have made a mistake in thinking a girl I thought would be ideal turns out to be different because of personality, hers or mine.

    But should I ever find a girl I really like then without a hesitation I will shout it from the rooftops and hope she gets others to visit her.

    I perfectly understand where Bigpaws comes from with his thread, "GOOD/BAD" escorts. It started at a time when escorts were generally advoiding the review system and charging fees similar to those who were of quality and being reviewed.

    I am in agreement with QPH that with that responsibility that he has undertaken he has to be seen to exercise it with the utmost honesty and intergity.

    Truely I believe Bigpaws has tried to be fair but that he has fallen into the trap of the cynic.

    "To quote Oscar Wilde "The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Exclamation Qph

    My answer to your question QPH is YES ............ yes I do have the right to give my opinion regardless of how it effects an individual's business either positively or negatively ........... it is ONLY one man's opinion. If others put weight in my opinion it is only because it has proved reliable to them in the past ............ I'm not going to censor my own opinion for any reason. The facts are Dolly does provide a good service but she also over-charges for this service ............. now you have your answer QPH so please leave Dolly alone once and for all.

    YOU might consider Ber's reviews to be absolute ............. I don't. I have stated on here in the past that although Ber's reviews are a good guide they are overly generous in my opinion, he has a tendency to "fall in love" with the escorts he sees. Also I must say, irrelevant as it seems, he could do with adding the odd full stop and comma in his reviews as they strike me as badly written in parts.

    Also Ber is NOT the friend of mine who I asked about Dolly's service ............. I have no idea were you got that from QPH???

    You are mistaken if you think you know everything about the "Dolly Situation" QPH ........ in fact I have spoken to Dolly recently so don't make assumptions please. I explained my point of view to her, she explained hers to me ............ my opinion hasn't changed regarding her rates but I will say I like Dolly on a personal level.

    Have you considered the fact that some escorts have not defended Dolly because they feel she is charging too much also??? Escorts are not all the same, they are individual women with individual opinions so please don't speak on their behalf QPH.

    You are mistaken in the belief QPH that my "reputation" is of any real value to me on here ................

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Exclamation Magicman

    Quote Originally Posted by Magicman View Post
    The big danger with the "Good Escort"/ "Bad Escort...............greedy Escort type of classification is that we start to see price as the main issue and the main factor in deciding if an escort is worthy of visits.

    What we should be considering here is if the price repersents value for money. One escort at €350 or €500 might very well be better value to someone who can afford it than €100 might be to another who can't afford it.

    I've met girls who charged the going rate of €250 per hour, and that included all the extras, and were they worth it..........................some were certainly worth much more and others I wouldn't watse my time on again if they paid me.

    I don't do bad reviews because a girl's livehood is at stake and she might have just had a bad day , or I might be having a bad day or have made a mistake in thinking a girl I thought would be ideal turns out to be different because of personality, hers or mine.

    But should I ever find a girl I really like then without a hesitation I will shout it from the rooftops and hope she gets others to visit her.

    I perfectly understand where Bigpaws comes from with his thread, "GOOD/BAD" escorts. It started at a time when escorts were generally advoiding the review system and charging fees similar to those who were of quality and being reviewed.

    I am in agreement with QPH that with that responsibility that he has undertaken he has to be seen to exercise it with the utmost honesty and intergity.

    Truely I believe Bigpaws has tried to be fair but that he has fallen into the trap of the cynic.

    "To quote Oscar Wilde "The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."

    I see the point you are trying to make Magicman but know this ............. I haven't changed even slightly in my approach to escorts, their services or their rates. The only thing that has changed here is a new escort has arrived in Ireland with with new prices ...................

    Cynic? No ........... a realist, simple as that.

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

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