If you don't believe me 9393, just look at some threads, e.g.:

Some questions to ask when souring an SEO/SEM company - Search Engine Watch Forums

Why are people replying to buckfastmonk calling him "ryanmcmaster"?

The answer of course is that he was called ryanmcmaster at the time he posted. He has since had the admins change his name to buckfast monk, but they haven't edited all replies to his posts, so you can still see he was ryanmcmaster.

Or look at an archive copy of the site (see bottom of page "Help Wanted/Jobs Available" forum) and you will see his name was ryanmcmaster:

SearchEngineWatch Forums -- Discussions About Search Engine Optimization, Marketing & Searching

I'm not sure if I can pull up the archive versions of the threads where he was talking about escort-ireland.com on searchenginewach via archive.org, but if someone techie can do that, please do. I recall the main one had a title like "why o why o why" and was about why SEO companies wouldn't help him get above E-I in the search engines. The answer is that because reputable SEO companies won't touch content theives like Ryan, but he didn't like this answer so he created a thread to discuss the topic. Obviously now he has decided to be an "ordinary punter" he is getting these threads removed.

He was ryanmcmaster and cromwellroadappartment on this site for a time as well: