Quote Originally Posted by JAMESCORK View Post
Jaysus Andy, chill bud... Your starting to sound like a sugar daddy that got burnt... No need for the cutting remarks buddy, Steph is a remarkable lady and what she wants to do with her life is her business and I can assure you she DOES have a wonderful life.

I despise the idea of being a sugar daddy. At my age I tick all the boxes, but I am damned the day I feel I have to pay for attention. I pay for sex, and am comfortable with that, but I see no need or self justification in paying for time. If I want a relationship with a younger lady, then it must be a relationship with mutual commitments. Otherwise I would rather do without. Admittedly I do not understand the exorbitance of the overnight or weekend gigs, but I certainly would not be criticising those that do them nor the escort that enjoys them.

As for “pay my rent and I’ll be your girlfriend”… be my girlfriend huh? Really? I would have a problem with this too…
Haha....Jim..get out the violin blah...blah...blah...I don't get burnt.....I waste my money how I want too.......ok bud