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Thread: Drop Your prices and we'll cum

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Angry Don't Even Think About It QPH!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    High Dreamon,

    I thank you for your measured response and take back my infirment of immaturity on your part, I was wrong and apologize. I welcome bluntness but you went much further then that and inferred that I was some sort of whack job. By virtue of my personnel history I find the implication deeply offensive. I have complimented Men here also when I felt it was warranted and if my honesty and willingness to engage are going to slighted with those sort of undertones, then I would rather take my leave and bid you all good day.

    Take care of each other and bye…QPH…
    Your contribution to this message board is invaluable to the point of being essential QPH ................... an intelligent individual with obvious writing talents who has strong opinions which are not tainted by being either an escort or a punter.

    Don't you go anywere!!!!!

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    High Dreamon,

    I thank you for your measured response and take back my infirment of immaturity on your part, I was wrong and apologize. I welcome bluntness but you went much further then that and inferred that I was some sort of whack job. By virtue of my personnel history I find the implication deeply offensive. I have complimented Men here also when I felt it was warranted and if my honesty and willingness to engage are going to slighted with those sort of undertones, then I would rather take my leave and bid you all good day.

    Take care of each other and bye…QPH…
    Will you give me a break here. In your earlier post you painted a picture of a solitary bohemien existence. You mentioned about a vow that you had taken and that latent sexual feelings were being aroused since you came across this site. You seem to have a very pastoral, protective concern for the escorts. I do not think that it is unreasonable or insulting that "priest" shoud come to mind. Personally, I am very much in favour of priests having girlfriends, provided they are over 18. Alternatively, I thought that you might have been gay. There has always been an affinity between gays and escorts as both can feel marginalised. Please believe me, I did not mean to infer that you were any kind of "whack job". I know that I should have read more of your posts and got a deeper insight before making any kind of comment.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Just to Clarify…

    Quote Originally Posted by dreamon View Post
    Will you give me a break here. In your earlier post you painted a picture of a solitary bohemien existence. You mentioned about a vow that you had taken and that latent sexual feelings were being aroused since you came across this site. You seem to have a very pastoral, protective concern for the escorts. I do not think that it is unreasonable or insulting that "priest" shoud come to mind. Personally, I am very much in favour of priests having girlfriends, provided they are over 18. Alternatively, I thought that you might have been gay. There has always been an affinity between gays and escorts as both can feel marginalised. Please believe me, I did not mean to infer that you were any kind of "whack job". I know that I should have read more of your posts and got a deeper insight before making any kind of comment.

    Dreamon, first off, no hard feelings, I’m on the floor here at the thought of me being a priest, I would be the narlyest lookin' priest you ever saw, I’m more bull in a china shop then bishop in a pulpit, thanks for the laugh. I’m actually pretty anti organized religion myself, I don’t see why people can’t just practice their faith in their own way without having to sign up to what frankly I think is a load of bulls**t and dogma that goes with it. I can see how you may have come to the conclusions you arrived at, but you’ve arrived at the polar opposite I’m afraid. I could have worded it better, so I want to clarify what I mean by a promise I made, It has nothing to do with vows or such, I did not make a promise to the church or any organization, I simply made it to a Parent, near to their deathbed, not to treat anyone as they were treated. If I paint a picture of a bohemian lifestyle, then it is only a picture of my worklife, I have not make reference to my personnel life for the same reasons all of ye or Escorts don’t, its none of our businesses. I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that my discovery of this place somehow opened the gates as you suggest, the gates have long since been open and indeed kicked of their hinges. They just open into a different pasture then this one. I simply meant any Man with a pulse would be mad not to be tempted by the stunning array of beauty here as I had always equated Women in this arena as having taken or been forced to take this path because of other circumstances and scenario’s, other then the simple fact that they want to, and I am relieved that that is the case here for many, although maybe not for all.

    And I would say that to assume that a Man who has concern for the betterment of things for Woman must be Gay is a bit narrow minded, God help us all if that’s the case, I don’t care if anyone thinks I am, but for the record I’m not, if I can invoke a religious quote, I am of the opinion that it is better to giveth then to receive in this respect. (Except for my dalliance with username Marijauna, he was my first as an Escort after all, and he made me feel alllllll Women ). I do agree that Women may find it easier to confide in a Gay friend as I guess the sexual aspect is out of the equation, but even though I’m hetero all the way, I have female platonic friends that have told me things that quite frankly surprised me in their candor, one told me not very long into knowing each other of when she was attacked and very nearly raped once, and I asked her why she was telling me something so traumatic, and she didn’t really know why, but I was touched by her trust in me. So you don’t have to walk funny to be a confidant necessarily.

    I do take offense at the quasi remark as I don’t think even a ncb type has had something as offensive as that thrown at him when he vented his spleen at an Escort, when all I’ve done is be friendly to people who were friendly to me, male or female, which is what I do in life generally. I thought it was a bit strong that’s all.

    To Rory, I don’t feel I had a hard life at all, its my Parent that had the hard life, and I would re live it all again in a heartbeat as I now know the steps I should have taken to arrive at a different outcome a lot sooner. But you do not put in the time that I did, and be forced to do the things that I did without coming away with some pretty strong views on matters relating to a Woman’s right to choose her own path in every part of her life, that is why I took an interest here to find out if they were in control in this lifestyle, as it always concerned me but never had the opportunity to find out direct from them themselves, and I have been convinced that yes many are. And in relation to over analyzing, you have a point, I do to an extent, but its that which kept me sane when immersed in a madhouse as I always step back and break everything down to the simplest common denominator and look at things objectively, and its not that I’m touchy about the jobs I do, its just I’ve been told time and again that I could and should do more and join the rat race by my peers, but they don’t get that I’m happy with my lot, and what I lose materially, I more then gain in other ways.

    To Paws, thanks for the kind words, and if you feel I’ve made some sort of contribution then I take that as a real complement, but there’s not much more I can add here I don’t think, and I don’t feel comfortable posting here anymore if I’m going to be labeled as, or thought of as something worse to my mind as an Ncb type. I wouldn’t care if it came from some loony tune, but it came from someone who I feel talks a lot of sense from what I’ve read of him. I can’t help being open, honest or pay a compliment when warranted, I’ve been those things all my life and am not going to change at this stage. I’ve been an interloper here long enough and have arrived at a frightening number of posts in a short enough time, but have enjoyed it. But I’ll take a time out for a while and might parachute in the odd smart arsed comment or god forbid a compliment now and again, but have no real right to butt in to the extent that I have.

    To anyone thinking I’m Father Ted, I’m more this…

    YouTube - Steve Earle - Copperhead Road

    I like the Rebel rousing vibe to it, which is why I like the people in this realm, keep fighting the good fight, as I said before, what harm are ye doing...

    If I could ask one last question for a while, it would be what song sum’s you up best ?…

    A cheerio, rice crispy and cornflake to one and all…QPH…

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default QPH what???

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    Dreamon, first off, no hard feelings, I’m on the floor here at the thought of me being a priest, I would be the narlyest lookin' priest you ever saw, I’m more bull in a china shop then bishop in a pulpit, thanks for the laugh. I’m actually pretty anti organized religion myself, I don’t see why people can’t just practice their faith in their own way without having to sign up to what frankly I think is a load of bulls**t and dogma that goes with it. I can see how you may have come to the conclusions you arrived at, but you’ve arrived at the polar opposite I’m afraid. I could have worded it better, so I want to clarify what I mean by a promise I made, It has nothing to do with vows or such, I did not make a promise to the church or any organization, I simply made it to a Parent, near to their deathbed, not to treat anyone as they were treated. If I paint a picture of a bohemian lifestyle, then it is only a picture of my worklife, I have not make reference to my personnel life for the same reasons all of ye or Escorts don’t, its none of our businesses. I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that my discovery of this place somehow opened the gates as you suggest, the gates have long since been open and indeed kicked of their hinges. They just open into a different pasture then this one. I simply meant any Man with a pulse would be mad not to be tempted by the stunning array of beauty here as I had always equated Women in this arena as having taken or been forced to take this path because of other circumstances and scenario’s, other then the simple fact that they want to, and I am relieved that that is the case here for many, although maybe not for all.

    And I would say that to assume that a Man who has concern for the betterment of things for Woman must be Gay is a bit narrow minded, God help us all if that’s the case, I don’t care if anyone thinks I am, but for the record I’m not, if I can invoke a religious quote, I am of the opinion that it is better to giveth then to receive in this respect. (Except for my dalliance with username Marijauna, he was my first as an Escort after all, and he made me feel alllllll Women ). I do agree that Women may find it easier to confide in a Gay friend as I guess the sexual aspect is out of the equation, but even though I’m hetero all the way, I have female platonic friends that have told me things that quite frankly surprised me in their candor, one told me not very long into knowing each other of when she was attacked and very nearly raped once, and I asked her why she was telling me something so traumatic, and she didn’t really know why, but I was touched by her trust in me. So you don’t have to walk funny to be a confidant necessarily.

    I do take offense at the quasi remark as I don’t think even a ncb type has had something as offensive as that thrown at him when he vented his spleen at an Escort, when all I’ve done is be friendly to people who were friendly to me, male or female, which is what I do in life generally. I thought it was a bit strong that’s all.

    To Rory, I don’t feel I had a hard life at all, its my Parent that had the hard life, and I would re live it all again in a heartbeat as I now know the steps I should have taken to arrive at a different outcome a lot sooner. But you do not put in the time that I did, and be forced to do the things that I did without coming away with some pretty strong views on matters relating to a Woman’s right to choose her own path in every part of her life, that is why I took an interest here to find out if they were in control in this lifestyle, as it always concerned me but never had the opportunity to find out direct from them themselves, and I have been convinced that yes many are. And in relation to over analyzing, you have a point, I do to an extent, but its that which kept me sane when immersed in a madhouse as I always step back and break everything down to the simplest common denominator and look at things objectively, and its not that I’m touchy about the jobs I do, its just I’ve been told time and again that I could and should do more and join the rat race by my peers, but they don’t get that I’m happy with my lot, and what I lose materially, I more then gain in other ways.

    To Paws, thanks for the kind words, and if you feel I’ve made some sort of contribution then I take that as a real complement, but there’s not much more I can add here I don’t think, and I don’t feel comfortable posting here anymore if I’m going to be labeled as, or thought of as something worse to my mind as an Ncb type. I wouldn’t care if it came from some loony tune, but it came from someone who I feel talks a lot of sense from what I’ve read of him. I can’t help being open, honest or pay a compliment when warranted, I’ve been those things all my life and am not going to change at this stage. I’ve been an interloper here long enough and have arrived at a frightening number of posts in a short enough time, but have enjoyed it. But I’ll take a time out for a while and might parachute in the odd smart arsed comment or god forbid a compliment now and again, but have no real right to butt in to the extent that I have.

    To anyone thinking I’m Father Ted, I’m more this…

    YouTube - Steve Earle - Copperhead Road

    I like the Rebel rousing vibe to it, which is why I like the people in this realm, keep fighting the good fight, as I said before, what harm are ye doing...

    If I could ask one last question for a while, it would be what song sum’s you up best ?…

    A cheerio, rice crispy and cornflake to one and all…QPH…

    Hey Qph..
    I havn't realy been following this thread, and its gone too big for me to read the whole thing now (i will another time), but what is this talk of you not posting here any more????
    Thats just crazy talk!!!!
    You have a unique insight and point of view here as you look at all this through neutral eyes. not being a punter, escort or pimp your input is without bias and motive, unfortunatly you are probably the only one here.
    While your posts are almost essays they are inteligent and considered. For you to leave this forum would be a great loss to all of.
    And any man to post a link to Steve Earl " copper head Road" is alright in my book.

    you might also apreciate this one
    YouTube - Golden Earring - Radar love

    stay put and enjoy....
    Last edited by Epsilon; 28-07-08 at 15:45.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Wink My Song!!!

    I think I can relate most to this song .............. at least as far as this site goes!!!

    YouTube - The Animals - Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood


    ps You're wrong QPH to believe you have nothing more to contribute here ............ MY day is looming and maybe my era here is gradually coming to an end but I firmly believe that you (and others??) have a LOT more to add to this debate/forum.
    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I'm dissapointed, I had a whole pc training program worked out for you and know I won't get to use it, the hours i've spent on it!!

    No seriously please don't go, I can't be the only intellect left on these boards !! LOL

    Here's one for you, sorry for the undertones LOL

    YouTube - Double you - Please don´t go

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    Dreamon, first off, no hard feelings, I’m on the floor here at the thought of me being a priest, I would be the narlyest lookin' priest you ever saw, I’m more bull in a china shop then bishop in a pulpit, thanks for the laugh. I’m actually pretty anti organized religion myself, I don’t see why people can’t just practice their faith in their own way without having to sign up to what frankly I think is a load of bulls**t and dogma that goes with it. I can see how you may have come to the conclusions you arrived at, but you’ve arrived at the polar opposite I’m afraid. I could have worded it better, so I want to clarify what I mean by a promise I made, It has nothing to do with vows or such, I did not make a promise to the church or any organization, I simply made it to a Parent, near to their deathbed, not to treat anyone as they were treated. If I paint a picture of a bohemian lifestyle, then it is only a picture of my worklife, I have not make reference to my personnel life for the same reasons all of ye or Escorts don’t, its none of our businesses. I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that my discovery of this place somehow opened the gates as you suggest, the gates have long since been open and indeed kicked of their hinges. They just open into a different pasture then this one. I simply meant any Man with a pulse would be mad not to be tempted by the stunning array of beauty here as I had always equated Women in this arena as having taken or been forced to take this path because of other circumstances and scenario’s, other then the simple fact that they want to, and I am relieved that that is the case here for many, although maybe not for all.

    And I would say that to assume that a Man who has concern for the betterment of things for Woman must be Gay is a bit narrow minded, God help us all if that’s the case, I don’t care if anyone thinks I am, but for the record I’m not, if I can invoke a religious quote, I am of the opinion that it is better to giveth then to receive in this respect. (Except for my dalliance with username Marijauna, he was my first as an Escort after all, and he made me feel alllllll Women ). I do agree that Women may find it easier to confide in a Gay friend as I guess the sexual aspect is out of the equation, but even though I’m hetero all the way, I have female platonic friends that have told me things that quite frankly surprised me in their candor, one told me not very long into knowing each other of when she was attacked and very nearly raped once, and I asked her why she was telling me something so traumatic, and she didn’t really know why, but I was touched by her trust in me. So you don’t have to walk funny to be a confidant necessarily.

    I do take offense at the quasi remark as I don’t think even a ncb type has had something as offensive as that thrown at him when he vented his spleen at an Escort, when all I’ve done is be friendly to people who were friendly to me, male or female, which is what I do in life generally. I thought it was a bit strong that’s all.

    To Rory, I don’t feel I had a hard life at all, its my Parent that had the hard life, and I would re live it all again in a heartbeat as I now know the steps I should have taken to arrive at a different outcome a lot sooner. But you do not put in the time that I did, and be forced to do the things that I did without coming away with some pretty strong views on matters relating to a Woman’s right to choose her own path in every part of her life, that is why I took an interest here to find out if they were in control in this lifestyle, as it always concerned me but never had the opportunity to find out direct from them themselves, and I have been convinced that yes many are. And in relation to over analyzing, you have a point, I do to an extent, but its that which kept me sane when immersed in a madhouse as I always step back and break everything down to the simplest common denominator and look at things objectively, and its not that I’m touchy about the jobs I do, its just I’ve been told time and again that I could and should do more and join the rat race by my peers, but they don’t get that I’m happy with my lot, and what I lose materially, I more then gain in other ways.

    To Paws, thanks for the kind words, and if you feel I’ve made some sort of contribution then I take that as a real complement, but there’s not much more I can add here I don’t think, and I don’t feel comfortable posting here anymore if I’m going to be labeled as, or thought of as something worse to my mind as an Ncb type. I wouldn’t care if it came from some loony tune, but it came from someone who I feel talks a lot of sense from what I’ve read of him. I can’t help being open, honest or pay a compliment when warranted, I’ve been those things all my life and am not going to change at this stage. I’ve been an interloper here long enough and have arrived at a frightening number of posts in a short enough time, but have enjoyed it. But I’ll take a time out for a while and might parachute in the odd smart arsed comment or god forbid a compliment now and again, but have no real right to butt in to the extent that I have.

    To anyone thinking I’m Father Ted, I’m more this…

    YouTube - Steve Earle - Copperhead Road

    I like the Rebel rousing vibe to it, which is why I like the people in this realm, keep fighting the good fight, as I said before, what harm are ye doing...

    If I could ask one last question for a while, it would be what song sum’s you up best ?…

    A cheerio, rice crispy and cornflake to one and all…QPH…
    I think that you are reading way to much into "quasi". I use this word in the sense that I doubt that anyone could have a real affection for any escort based solely on their posting here. You can never be sure on these boards whether you are talking to a genuine escort or a 10 yearold with a vivid imagination. The genuine escorts who post here are blatantly advertising-and good luck to them- so, with some, you have to ask is this the real person or a persona, which they figure will generate more business.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dreamon View Post
    I think that you are reading way to much into "quasi". I use this word in the sense that I doubt that anyone could have a real affection for any escort based solely on their posting here. You can never be sure on these boards whether you are talking to a genuine escort or a 10 yearold with a vivid imagination. The genuine escorts who post here are blatantly advertising-and good luck to them- so, with some, you have to ask is this the real person or a persona, which they figure will generate more business.
    High Dreamon...

    Fair Enough, water under the bridge, fair points, but a few engage in a wide range of topics and post a length rather then a clipped couple of words followed by half a mile of an add, but for all the Escorts know we could have the attached add switched off, I don’t as it doesn’t bother me and I don’t know how to either, But say Violette and Alexi D both know there is nothing to be gained out of me and they have been nothing but friendly, funny and are highly Intelligent sassy Ladys. It’s clear to me who likes to engage in a bit of craic or a more serious issue. Just as its clear who a few of the supposed punters are that are as far as I can see are probably pimps trying to highlight someone else’s wares.

    We all advertise everyday whether we want to or not, from the moment we slap on the warpaint (Women only hopefully) to the half can of lynx and blue stratos (Jesus that’s dating me) for us, and as soon as we step outside the door were being judged by our demeanor, body language, dress sense, especially so in these days, as this is a typed word based format here, then if an Escort posts, then it is unavoidable that an element of themselves will come across, and if it advertises them in the process then all to the good, its no different then what happens in everyday life. I have noticed that a lot of the time in a few ways here an Escort if damned if they do and damned if they don’t, I personally am glad that they do, and if it aids them in what you say then they’ve more then paid for it by what they add to various discussions and the light they throw on things from their perspective, and as for me, I come from a long line of yappers (worryingly I’m actually one of the quieter in my clan) and am only shooting the breeze, all are welcome to shoot back, male or female.

    As an olive branch Dreamon. I include this…

    YouTube - Dream a Little Dream by Louis Armstrong


  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    It always seemed to me to be a fair trade-off. The punters, and prospective punters, got the escorts perspective on the various issues and the escorts got to put their personality forward and advertise their tour dates. There are some who would complain but these same people will spend their lives feeling hard done by.

    It seems to me that there is an interesting question here. If you were to visit an escort would you go in and say "hi, I am Quarterpounder" or would you use your own or a different name. I would never use "dreamon" but Paws must use "Paws" as the escorts seem to recognise him. I dont know about the others.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dreamon View Post
    It seems to me that there is an interesting question here. If you were to visit an escort would you go in and say "hi, I am Quarterpounder" or would you use your own or a different name. I would never use "dreamon" but Paws must use "Paws" as the escorts seem to recognise him. I dont know about the others.
    I’ve been wondering about that, It you said to an Escort that you where Dreamon, how would you prove you were, I guess if the Escort let you log on in E-I using their laptop that would prove it, but if you did not want to let them know your username and you wrote a review with a date mentioned then you would be pinned down easy enough. Personally I would say my username and also my real name, it’s not MI5 at the end of the day, and a real name is more personnel. Even if the Escorts name is not their own, at least it's an actual name and not QPH or whatever, but for the well established clients here, I’d say its important to protect their real name and only give it to those they know they can trust.

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