Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
If this bothers a guy,the fact that his gf or wife finds out then he is working against his own morals and knows he is doing the dirt.Otherwise it wouldnt trouble him.If a guy is going to escorts while involved in a relationship then he is with the wrong person.You just dont do the dirt period.So no sympathy from me if found out.

Incidently most girls that ive met knew or were told that i went to escorts and you know what?It strengthened the realtionship because it shows im holding nothing back.You can actually take a bad hand and play it to your advantage.

If you were this escort you would do the same thing.This also happened to me and you know something?I simply text the escort back and said "hope your good love" and then went about my buisness.You see its such an insignificant thing to me and i could care less and it sure wouldnt bother me but then again i dont do the dirt on a partner.Like i said goes with the territory.Call into an escort behind a partners back and you can be caught and noone to blame but yourself.Not the partner,not the escort, not the stars and the moon but yourself.
West, I say again, reach for a higher plain, You are blinkered in your thinking here. He may not be in a relationship, he may be a lone parent with reading age or higher children, his partner could be infirm or incapasitated and knows of his dealings but would rather not have to face the mechanics of it. Or be looking after parent/s, how would you like your mother/father to pick up and read a text from someone informing your son personally that her ass is in town and open for business, the world is more complex then what it is in Westville my man, think of other possibilities and situations, I won’t make one comment anywhere here about matters of fidelity as I hold such strong views on it, but respect other peoples right to live the way they want to, I don’t agree with it, but its f**k all to do with me.

We cannot know what each Persons set of circumstances are, so isn’t discretion advised ?