3 pervert bosses - is there a link between sex drive and power - or when u have power do u become more interested in sex - unlike u guys i actually work - but yor collective positions now explains to me how people can be posting during normal work hours-

to original point by anon - really caught my interest - i looked at dates of members online when i read ur post and found that i was a comparative veteran - joined sep 2006- only guy online at the time was 'pookii'? by 1 single day here longer than i.

so speaking as a surprised veteran 95% do come hang around for a while and bugger off fairly lively - then u have the real stayers - not including the girls themselves.

you get forum bosses then (post non stop it appears) but even they fuck off after a few months. i suppose it gets bit dull after a wee while- this last week has certainly been one of the more exciting that i have seen

btw i am over on the other site too just as long-

you should pop over and have a look at some of the threads involving your regulars here -quite interesting i think u shall find

hope ye hang around for a while as i think the current crop is actually more 'interesting' than previous generations and chat is certainly lively at the moment

yours, a real veteran !