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Thread: Are you a sex addict?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Sue Who?

    If the gambling addict can sue the book maker, then who would the sex addict sue?

    Patricia, I think you're opining up a Pandora's box here. A very famous English law-lord once made the phrase "an appaling vista" famous. Are you trying to push a sell-destruct button here or is this the nuclear option we're always being told about?

    Anyway, I'm feeling depressed today, so I'm going to take my parents to court. With any luck I wont have to wait until they go to their eternal reward before inheriting. Plus, and here's the really ingeneous part, I d'ont have to pay inheritance tax if I get awarded the lot in damages.

    Thank you for the brilliant idea and for making my day Patricia. You're a national treasure.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    Anyway, I'm feeling depressed today, so I'm going to take my parents to court. With any luck I wont have to wait until they go to their eternal reward before inheriting. Plus, and here's the really ingeneous part, I d'ont have to pay inheritance tax if I get awarded the lot in damages.
    Mmmmmm, you're parents must be loaded

    (You can inherit up to about €500K from your parents without being liable for inheritance tax, can't you?)

  3. #13
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    I have just one question to all the self-righteous tight-arsed motherf***ing sex knockers currently jumping up and down in various media and elsewhere and doing a very fine impression of the Saudi morality police:

    Were your mothers all inseminated by the A I man?

    QPH, you being an agricultural type, can you inform me whether it is technically possible that some of these people have been cloned by some right-wing organisation affiliated to a major church in order to spread misery and discontent amongst decent sex loving heathens? St. Patrick has a lot to answer for, but fear not, I'm setting the dial on the time machine to the 5th century, and I promise to bring back some snakes in time for the E-I Summer Bar-B-Q. You can eat them, or do whatever else with them according to your individual tastes. I think Ric Flair missed out on that particular perversion in his poll.

    As to the security arrangements. Indeed Westies' dog would make an excellent choice. I suggest that he start training it immediately to recognise media hacks. I d'ont know what breed it is. But German Shepherds instinctively grab you by the arm, whereas other breeds go for the legs or throat. I would suggest some special training in this case, focussing on the crotch area. Westies' mutt could make it into the SAS with the proper training.

    As for Flyshit, I suspect that his hour has finally come too. Let him buzz around the perimeter emitting his famous jajajajajajaja distress call, and even the most dedicated paparazzi will run for the hills.
    That link to Independent would not open for me, but I’m assuming its the usual pop at people who enjoy what’s the most natural thing in the world, or else having a go at E-I.

    Carlos, I won’t get heavy here or anything, but I have 15 years at the coalface of addictions of every kind and there effects, and I’m saying it loud and clear that if there is such a thing as a sex addiction, its the one addiction that is life affirming and not life destroying, and if sex is an addiction, then so is breathing, as its also as natural, I don’t see zealots imposing a limit on how many times you should inhale in a given period, its up to the individual, so I’d say get your fix as often as possible, (just try and make sure its the good stuff). in any way as possible. I’ve said it before here...what possible harm is there in it,

    We like to think Ireland is somehow liberated in these matters, we are are from it if aspects of the media are anything to go by, its a very short time ago that people could have been arrested for availing of family planing measures as basic as procuring a f**king condom here. We’ve a ways to go yet.

    One thing that I am certain of though is that anyone who over moralizes or pontificates on matter of sex, is almost always the one who is into the weirdest of s**t themselves

    J Edgar Hoover (FBI Director) – Persecuted and blackmailed those he new to be Gay
    He was Gay himself and wore Women’s underwear

    Bishop of Ferns – Actively facilitated pedophiles in covering up there actions

    Brendan Smith – (I won’t even start on that Bastard)

    Bishops Casey and Cleary – Pontificated from on high, while fathering children (nothing wrong with fathering a child, its the hypocrisy I’m referring to)

    The Catholic Church as a whole, fighting tooth and nail to weasel its way out of justice for victims of clerical abuse, while ordering us in how we live our lives.

    The list is endless

    Articles such as these are only another example of what’s gone on for century’s, its just attempting to impose there own idea of what they see as right and wrong in the prism they look through of Religion/piety/Victorian era dogma and is an attempt to control, nothing more.

    I’ve always liked Rebels, from Spartacus to Collins to Gue Guevara, I consider Escorts/Punters to be Rebels of a sort, so I’d say start takin’ names and have a wall ready for when the revolution comes...

    If you are addicted, where do you put the equivalent nicotine patch?

    Do you chew gum instead?

    The support groups must be a blast, names q q q q qpr, and I’m an addict

    [group response] Hello qpr welcome to the group

    Jesus I’d be out the door faster then when Father Jack wandered in to the AA meeting...
    As the cure would be far worse then the disease


    Is it possible to view that Documentary on E-I online anywhere ???


    Getting worked up by that article is about a pointless as a bull wondering what the AI man is doing in the shed with his bevy of bovine beauties,

    There’s f**k all he can do about it...

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuckface View Post
    quater Pounder wtf!! life-affirming to slepp with escorts?!!! Let me guess? "bit of harmless fun! eh? So i bet that in work, when asked what you did over the weekend you tell people you blew your wages on a over-priced escort who pretended to enjoy you f**ked her in the a**? Could you stop if you got married/girlfriend or had kids? Methinks you are living in porn fantasy land....
    Oh and btw group therapy is great, it builds back up ones pride and sense of self....i'll probably see you there at some stage


    I read your post, with great interest and thank you for posting. If you are someone who is in this position, I’d like you to know I did consider this when I wrote my post, and I’m aware of the dark side to sex also, and yes an all consuming addiction to anything has the potential to be very destructive, be that alcohol, drugs, gambling, cigarette’s or sex. I empathize with you, genuinely I do, but if you read my posts you’ll see that I’m a non-punter, and will always be a non-punter, but if I was, I would be open about it as I don’t see anything wrong with it, and also you would see I have a deep concern for Women’s issues of all kinds, in all areas.

    I did not refer to solely having sex with Escorts as life affirming, I was stating sex generally in any of its non offensive forms (IE Minor’s or Non consensual) is life affirming, (and by its very nature, possibly life creating, but that another avenue)

    I concede that if someone has an all consuming addiction to sex then they would come under the category of non-consensual, as the decision is taken out of their own hands so to speak.

    I have never had an addiction of any kind myself, (apart from words) but have vast experience in dealing with people who did, and went on the steepest of learning curves because of it, I truly, truly know what it is to crave absolutely something as I was often threatened with knifes and extreme aggression in my single handed attempt to impose cold turkey on someone, so as to have some hope of reasoning with them, and I succeeded eventually, but it took years, and with many relapses, and I had to start all over again, which consumed many of my years as I am intensely loyal and don’t ever give up on people.

    As for my attempt at humor with regard to support groups, I was not being flippant, Its just the way I am, as when even when I found myself in very dark days, I always (ALWAYS) tried to find a chink of humor in any situation as I believe that laugher is a great tonic and an ability to laugh in the face of adversity is a huge component of surviving something, (that and I just plain like a joke or a laugh)

    I was not knocking support groups, if they help someone, that’s brilliant, its just one of my core beliefs is to have faith in your own mind and to trust in your own ability to break down whatever issue is adversely affecting you and come up with a strategy, I held many long talks with said someone when I had managed to get them to listen, in which I suppose I was conducting a one to one support group with them looking back, so I know of its value, its just not something I could do with strangers...

    I hope that enlightens a little of were I’m coming from,

    And best of luck, if you are in this position, I say are as once someone has any addiction, they can only ever contain it, it is always there to some degree or another, and can rare its head at any time, and calls for vigilance on the both the Individual and those around them.

    Best regards...QPH

  5. #15
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    Speaking of the clergy I wonder do many priests go to see escorts. They have plenty money ripping us off for years. Does any escorts have a nun uniform?
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Speaking of the clergy I wonder do many priests go to see escorts. They have plenty money ripping us off for years. Does any escorts have a nun uniform?
    I had a few priests back in my day!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Bishops?

    Any bishops Pat? Go on, spill the beans, we're all friends here after all.

    Anybody Escorts available for an outcall in the Vatican ?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Angry No surprise,

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I had a few priests back in my day!
    A shower of hypocritical scumbags.They bring shame on the very thing that they tell us to follow or we will be punished.A shower of cunts.The ten commandments,thoust shall not do this and that and the bastards ramming an altarboys arsehole.

    I could go on.I tell you Sweetie, i would volunteer to hang those bastards.

    Religon my hole,

  9. Default

    What a question!

    All the time

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Three Hail Marys for you Patricia...tut,tut....and tut

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I had a few priests back in my day!

    Priests, possibly, but Bishop’s naaaa, I doubt it, it’s been my experience that they’re more into tying the Alter Boys shoelaces together, to give the Bishops a sporting chance.

    Nike slogan – Just do it
    Priest slogan – Just screw it

    Carlos, Re: Vatican,

    Is that what’s goin’ on with the white smoke ?...Young people of Ireland....I Love you....(and you, and you... and especially you...oh, and you to)


    I still have the funny walk to prove it...

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