Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
I own a gun. I have always owned a gun. Back home I always have it handy, hence I can sit with my door open, letting the breeze in.

Everybody knows I own a gun.

I have pulled my weapon in self defence and was in a position to phone for the police, and transfer custody of the bad

guy that intended to do me harm.

I like my right to own a gun.

I think there should be much stricter laws on aquiring a gun (Psych background checks etc.) , but unfortunately the bad

guys can and will get a hold of weapons if/when they want. Or else resort to meat cleavers and knives.

I do not like the kneejerk reaction of condemning America. There are good guys, bad guys everywhere. Do our numbers.

What's the population of the States right now ? 309 MILLION people !! You are bound to get some psychos ..

It is indeed a very sad day, an unspeakable tragedy. And what is even sadder, is that it might have been prevented with

better social services, by being better neighbors and better families and paying more attention to the person next to you..


In the world.
This is interesting

I am not sure why anyone other than Rambo would need automatic weapons?. Guns can be used for sport or even defence, but people walking around with an Uzi or an AK like someone from NWA is highly troublesome for me.

Also, too many guns in a society means that anyone who anyone who blows has direct access to weapons. People who are having a breakdown are still unlikely to go to the bad parts of town to buy a sub machine guns and THEN go to the school.

I liked Bowling for Columbine and the concept that it is the media generated fear factor that makes the place so dangerous