Fuck you, Michael, assman66, demian, or whatever your name is. We have reported the Garda your activities, they already know about you, so be careful. You forget that some girls can know some friend willing to help them, and no in a lovely way for you. We are fed up of you, so we are writing down the numbers you use to pimp us, and we encourage all the girls who have suffer your shit to say it. We dont care you write bad reviews of us, actually clients know who we are, and is difficult for them to understand you because even us who are not native english speakers, we write better than you. We hope this can help girls who are looking for an apartment can AVOID you completely. We are not scared anymore.

Phone numbers to avoid:



And more numbers we are not sure is him....

We know you have more people helping you, so fuck them too!!!! Garda is aware of this.