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Thread: Curiosity Killed the Cat......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Curiosity Killed the Cat......

    High... Listen....

    Because the People I’ve time for (and that Includes you Westie) were so nice and no-one in fact told me to sling my hook, (which again confirms the high caliber of the people on this forum) and because I’ll never have an opportunity to get straight Honest answers on things that have crossed my mind from People on both sides, who know what there talking about. (and if you’ve only one side, then you’ve no side), then I’d like to maybe just ask the few I have over the next little while if that’s permissible. (I’m like a Horse in that respect as I’m lead by my Nose and am sorry if I get on peoples nerve’s) but I would regret not getting just a little more perspective on thing’s, and I promise a little humor along the way to “lubricate’’ thing’s...

    Westie, I have time for you, as you need a Protagonist dimension as a touchstone of sorts, and the Battle of will’s between Yourself and Bigpaws or anyone else is an added vitality to the health and vibrancy of this Forum, just as Ali and Foreman/Frazier was to boxing in the 70’s, without it to add fire, its dead on it’s feet. as it helps define the hues, and outlines the border’s of an argument or Discussion. If everyone was going around here in a ‘’Oh How do you do, do you take two sugars or three” way all the time it would be much the poorer, I just raised my beef with you and you were a Total Gentleman in response, and I apologize for my comments.. It was your apology that helped bring me back.

    Main reasons for pulling back....

    My comments to you are the reason I backed off earlier then I intended, as I allowed myself to get Personal and am truly sorry for that but not my points. It is important to come back at someone in a thought out way, and for what it’s worth, you’ve proven to me that you can, and would hope you stay for those reasons..... (We can start a non Punters club though I fear you would play hard and loose with rule number One. LOL) I should have stated all this earlier... (I do get the feeling you and Paws have been throwing stones as long as the Israelis/Palestinians and can’t see any end to either intefada lol) and like Forrest Gump said, “sometimes there just aren’t enough Rocks” which is one of the best lines I’ve ever heard.

    Just to show I’m Podge N’ Rodge just as much as Question’s N Answer, I’ve got a Totally Light hearted Question Titled “Clockwatchers – A brief History of Time”, that I suppose only the Escorts can answer, but I’d like Clients views also. I’ll throw it out there soon and to any respondent pls. be aware that I’m often in area’s were Connectivity is non existent and even when Home am in and out like a Short sighted Buck Rabbit, but will see them and respond...

    Carlos, I think you’re the kind of Man that can start Revolutions (and are probably agitating right now) and that’s a compliment. (You might change your name to Alfie, if you get that then that definitely puts an age on you lol)

    Alexi, You said there is much to learn, I think I could get used to being your Padawan lol.

    Anna S, For some baffling reason, I’ve only seen your Profile now, and well......
    “Sweet Mary, Mother, and holy Devine, your sucking Diesel”.....that is also a compliment..(around my neck of the woods anyway) and if I’d known there were Woman like you East of Checkpoint Charlie, I’d have taken a Sledgehammer to the Berlin Wall

    PS I find myself making the following statement in life generally but the Question is “not long, I

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Blog Entries

    Smile E-I is a lot like Cheers.

    You know what? I think E-I can be a lot like the tv show Cheers.

    Bigpaws and Westside are Cliff and Norm (they never leave).

    Patricia and Sarah are Carla and Diane (but which is which?).

    Flyshit is Woody (thats straight forward enough).

    and now Quarterpounder is Frasier (whithout a doubt).

    I'm still not sure if we've got a Sam yet? Any thoughts?
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

  3. #3

    Default supersize us!

    hello quarterpoundher!

    i am glad you are gonna stay for a bit. i enjoy reading you, you are a decent skin!

    i am curious about what is to come next from you and await with controlled anticipation.

    tell that new foal i said hello! (hope this is correct spelling-it was takin' too long in



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Well........................

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    High... Listen....

    Because the People I’ve time for (and that Includes you Westie) were so nice and no-one in fact told me to sling my hook, (which again confirms the high caliber of the people on this forum) and because I’ll never have an opportunity to get straight Honest answers on things that have crossed my mind from People on both sides, who know what there talking about. (and if you’ve only one side, then you’ve no side), then I’d like to maybe just ask the few I have over the next little while if that’s permissible. (I’m like a Horse in that respect as I’m lead by my Nose and am sorry if I get on peoples nerve’s) but I would regret not getting just a little more perspective on thing’s, and I promise a little humor along the way to “lubricate’’ thing’s...

    Westie, I have time for you, as you need a Protagonist dimension as a touchstone of sorts, and the Battle of will’s between Yourself and Bigpaws or anyone else is an added vitality to the health and vibrancy of this Forum, just as Ali and Foreman/Frazier was to boxing in the 70’s, without it to add fire, its dead on it’s feet. as it helps define the hues, and outlines the border’s of an argument or Discussion. If everyone was going around here in a ‘’Oh How do you do, do you take two sugars or three” way all the time it would be much the poorer, I just raised my beef with you and you were a Total Gentleman in response, and I apologize for my comments.. It was your apology that helped bring me back.

    Main reasons for pulling back....

    My comments to you are the reason I backed off earlier then I intended, as I allowed myself to get Personal and am truly sorry for that but not my points. It is important to come back at someone in a thought out way, and for what it’s worth, you’ve proven to me that you can, and would hope you stay for those reasons..... (We can start a non Punters club though I fear you would play hard and loose with rule number One. LOL) I should have stated all this earlier... (I do get the feeling you and Paws have been throwing stones as long as the Israelis/Palestinians and can’t see any end to either intefada lol) and like Forrest Gump said, “sometimes there just aren’t enough Rocks” which is one of the best lines I’ve ever heard.

    Just to show I’m Podge N’ Rodge just as much as Question’s N Answer, I’ve got a Totally Light hearted Question Titled “Clockwatchers – A brief History of Time”, that I suppose only the Escorts can answer, but I’d like Clients views also. I’ll throw it out there soon and to any respondent pls. be aware that I’m often in area’s were Connectivity is non existent and even when Home am in and out like a Short sighted Buck Rabbit, but will see them and respond...

    Carlos, I think you’re the kind of Man that can start Revolutions (and are probably agitating right now) and that’s a compliment. (You might change your name to Alfie, if you get that then that definitely puts an age on you lol)

    Alexi, You said there is much to learn, I think I could get used to being your Padawan lol.

    Anna S, For some baffling reason, I’ve only seen your Profile now, and well......
    “Sweet Mary, Mother, and holy Devine, your sucking Diesel”.....that is also a compliment..(around my neck of the woods anyway) and if I’d known there were Woman like you East of Checkpoint Charlie, I’d have taken a Sledgehammer to the Berlin Wall

    PS I find myself making the following statement in life generally but the Question is “not long, I
    i have backed off here quite abit and wont be on as much if at all but and i cant emphasis this enough,its not because of you or anyone else.Its just time to flip over the next stone.I get bored easy and am miserable without a challange.

    I hope for your sake that your writting books and putting your thoughts to paper because you are one of the best read people i have ever seen and i have seen some good ones.Your grasp of the English langauge is exceptional.Only God knows what stories, historical knowledge etc, lies inside that head of yours.I hope you put it to good use.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    High Ricflair,

    I love that, that’s the kind of wordplay I enjoy, but I must protest, I’m more Father Ted then Frasier,

    So on that Basis,

    Father Jack = Carlos (Feck, Arse, Drink)
    Bigpaws & Westside = The Shop couple always trying to kill each other
    Doogle = (We all know that one, even me)
    Housekeeper = Patricia (Ah go on)
    Escort’s = The Lovely Girls Competition

    Not sure who Father Ted is but I’d be more the fella that always comes a cropper when Father Ted rings him or at a stretch the Dancing

    And of course the three rival Priests are this other site I hear mention of ????????

    No comments about my lovely Horse (Father Ted in the Eurovision) pls.

    High Wiseone

    Well Spelling is correct apart from Foal should start with a capitol F,
    But I’ll leave it go, it won’t affect your you showed humor, lol.

  6. #6


    Hi Quarterpoundher

    I'm a fan, good to see u posting here...but less is more sometimes. Don't get me wrong im totally aligned with most of your views (more of a Dev man meself - maybe it was the stuff beat into us at school) and admire the dignity you maintain. But not being a smart fella I lose track very quickly with your prose. But keep it up as they say here...S

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Sman View Post
    Hi Quarterpoundher

    I'm a fan, good to see u posting here...but less is more sometimes. Don't get me wrong im totally aligned with most of your views (more of a Dev man meself - maybe it was the stuff beat into us at school) and admire the dignity you maintain. But not being a smart fella I lose track very quickly with your prose. But keep it up as they say here...S

    Hello Sman,

    I only wish I had the opportunity to have had it beaten into me, I only went to Primary School, and for most of that time had a Teacher that would sent one of us off to get the Examiner and all we would see of him for the rest of the day were his Fingers either side of the Paper, off course we all thought at the time that we were elected, we used to forget he was there, and go out to lunch and back without his direction, but looking back he did us as much a disservice as if He leathered us every day, and he should have got the road for the same reason. Many of us did not possibly get higher up the food chain because of it.

    But in his defense he unknowingly did me a favor because when everyone else was firing Ink balls (remember them?) at the windows, I out of shear mind numbing boredom did the unthinkable and took out my History and Geography books and read them and it’s just stayed with me ever since. In fact I did an entire years homework in one week in school, (I figured if I’m eating into Teachers time,why should he be able to eat into mine) and them just brought my own books to School after that.

    As to prose, taken on board but I say again, I’ve had very little Conventional Education and have never claimed to be the next Booker prize contender. I know what you mean and was said in Construction not Destruction.

    And again I can’t shorten them it’s just me, and I won’t be here long term, so if you add up a lot of word’s in a short time they’ll probably find parity with a few words over a long time...


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    yes your a bit over sensitive QPounder & analysing every comment is causing your posts to become far too long monotonous & boring in the extreme, still you are not all boring but less of the Chapter long posts ,you are welcome here..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Again fair enough, but I am not analyzing anything, and over sensitivity is best left to seismoniters, it is conversation, and if no like, no look.

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