You are missing the point, "wiseone" (lol)

Patricia and Co should be applauded for the way they have set up this site.
E-1 has given an industry the chance to show its human face, and credit to the girls and the customers, they have taken that chance.

Not everyone wants the sleazy side of sex. I would say most of us want a safe encounter with a lady with personality, charm and humour. And personally speaking, with a lady who is there because she wants to be and hasnt been forced into this industry.
I must admit, before I found this site, I had the usual low and sleazy view of escorts.
E-1 has shown me the very opposite.
The girls and gents who post on here, generally show they have a great sense of humour and are very normal and down to earth.
Sure they like sex, but honestly who doesnt?
They also talk about a wide range of other subjects, just like normal people, because they are normal people, they just like good sex and arent afraid to engage with a professional to get it, the same way you go to other professionals - for the service

So Westside and Bigpaws dont suffer fools, I have never had a problem with them and certainly wouldnt let them intimerdate me. If you dont like their opinions, just dont take any notice.

Thanks E-1, and long may you continue