Quote Originally Posted by roscommon View Post
Irish was spoken in a few parts of Ireland some hundreds of years ago, it came in from central europe, some different veriations came from Britain which also came from west europe. Its a north european lingo. It survived in some out lying places. The clergy in Ireland made people think it was for Irish people only, but that was them trying to devide people from that State.
I think it is something we should move away from, best that we learn Polish or better still spannish. Having said this the pol`s and the spannish have a mixed lingo as well, when we say a polish person, not all polls are the same.
Some parts of Ireland had also North african mix. Anyway I think polish woman are the best looking.
You've enough trouble with English (and History for that matter) never mind Irish.

Irish is still spoken today in a number of places in the country and the gaelscoileanna are thriving. It's part of our culture and what makes us different from other cultures. It's great to speak it or hear it spoken esp. when abroad. Not sure about an Irish version of this website though...reviews should be accessible to the widest group. Unless Patricia's applying for a grant to set up in the Gaeltacht....now that would be something!