Saw some porn a while back where (beautiful) women go for their gyno check-up and have all the usual prodding and poking done to them. It's in Czech (I think) with subtitles.

The doc gives them blood-pressure reading, measures weight and height, reflexes, and takes temperature (vag, ass and mouth)

Sometimes they produce a piss sample or will be given an enema

Then the clit is checked for sensitivity.

Then it's onto the vagina and rectum check-up. Then the instruments come out, speculum etc. Finally, the doc has to check the woman's heartbeat during orgasm. So she stimulates herself to orgasm while he holds a stethescope to her chest.

It's really quite erotic, in a strange way.

So, escorts, is this a typical gyno exam for you? Do you have an orgasm test at the end? Is there a camera team in the room with you?