All I can say is that none of you will ever be able to handle knowing how close you came to decriminalisation.

Due to a "fortunate series of coincidental events" I wound up in a position where I was key to that (more than I knew myself in the beginning), because of the ground work I laid and the relationships I built over 20 years with just that in mind.

ALL any of you had to do was unite, stand up, and fight for yourselves, but what have you done instead?

Turn round and try to lynch your own weapon because you can't control it and abuse it to hurt each other.

I always remember the quiet people who don't get involved in this crap, however angry I am with the rest...I would NEVER withdraw any incidental influence I could have out of spite, or for revenge, but you have just coldly and deliberately plotted and succeeding in destroying it...

Out of my hands, there is literally nothing I can do to repair that or put it back...or the sympathy in high places you have cost yourselves by the truly appalling way you have behaved to me and others...

...and without those, frankly, you had probably better get used "the Swedish Model" because now there is little or no chance of avoiding it.

That isn't even reversible, whatever anyone tried to don't bother...