Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
I have very little time for you PunterJohn. I look forward to your law suit for slander. And by the way, I didn't say you battered anyone. Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if you did, but I didn't say that. I said several ladies have complained to us that you have been abusive to them, and we have also all seen you being abusive to women on here. Oh and trust me Sweetie, you are many things but you are not an intelligent individual.
I never threatened legal action. How could I, especially since you won't step back on your native shores? Must be you due your wonderful reputation.

So basically you can't name any escort who ever said it, so you're a liar. There's a big surprise.

Patricia, I like take your opinion for what it's worth maybe that and €2 will get me a Coffee at SPAR.

I am not "abusive" to anyone, I just disagree with you and that makes me abusive? No, it makes you the queen of hyperbole (look that one up in the dictionary).

To all watching this thread take note: Patrica will stop at nothing to slander anyone who disagrees with her. Not surprising for a pimp.