Quote Originally Posted by Langer View Post
I'm afraid I have a little bad news Anabolic. Your 6 escorts allowance is a little optimistic. In fact the law is that any premises with more than one lady working is considered a brothel and as such the owners can be held legally responsible. Ignorance is not a defence and the onus is on the owner to prove they were unaware of what was happening. For example if a night porter knew and no action was taken, the hotel is liable, if the receptionist had a suspicion, the hotel is liable. So its not really surprising some hotels are a little intense. Its as Anabolic said...no hotel wants the name and its future can be seriously jeopardised. After the In Dublin magazine lesson people are more aware of the consequences.
would this also mean that even if the lady was independent booked in on her own once there was another lady working from the same hotel the onus would be on her to prove that she did not know that other ladies were there.Now we are in a grey area because in my experience any popular hotel in any reasonable sized city will have on the law of averages always more than one girl there at any one time and more than likely several
Therefore a girl would have to prove that she was extremley naive or totally stupid to
believe she was the only girl that had a flash of inspiration to work from that hotel.
So much for a girl on her own being legal