Jajajaja Capoira Amigos !!!

And todays News in Ireland:

Bigmouth kills a taxi man in front of his daughter for 35 euros, he cut his throat from behind, that’s a brave one…
Bigmouth and his friends dirtypigs attack and kill two polish young men in the streets of Dublin, that’s a brave one…
Bigmouth gets shot again and survives again and that makes it 9 (?) times, that’s a really brave one…
Bigmouth’s uncle gets the flu while in Hospital and dies, that’s a sad one…
Bigmouth’s girlfriend gets raped at the doorstep of her house as she was too late that night, that’s a curious one…
Bigmouth and his friends got raped when attending nice schools as boys, that’s a very sad one…
Bigmouth and more of his friends attempt suicide every year, the highest suicide rate in Europe, that may be a joking one…
Bigmouth and dirtypig beat the shit out of two young Irish brothers outside a nightclub, Annables, and kill them, that’s a normal one…
Bigmouth’s mother dies in Hospital being treated for a cough, later to be known she had breast cancer, that’s a unique one…
Bigmouth and his friends attack by surprise any sort of immigrants in the streets of Dublin, making Dublin one of the wildest cities in the world, that’s a funny one…
Bigmouth has committed 12 killings so far this year in Ireland, that’s a joking one…
Bigmouth and his pals are making a fortune out of drugs in the Irish market, that’s a joking one…
Bigmouth and his pals employ escorts in order to make a fortune out of legal prostitution, while attacking and robbing escorts at the same time, that’s a real one…
Bigmouth was trying a new gun and the shot went through a window’s house and killed the woman and mother of two by accident, that’s an unlucky one…

If you don't want to get depressed don't read the news angels15