I know this may seem like a very petty point and as such I apologise but bear with me. I have read many escort reviews and have only been motivated to write one. I do see a lot of reviews now that seem to be more of an advertisement for the lady in question than anything resembling an honest account of the encounter. This however has now been surpassed by an apology on a review of ''Ana Christina'' in which the writer admits that it is not a review he is writing but more '' of an apology'' as '' I said some things that may have been hurtful''
Jesus have we really got into a situation where we feel the need to apologise in the review pages for something we feel may have offended our choice of ladies on the site. What happened was only between the two parties and apologising publicly is a waste of everyones time . I mean christ I can call her and apologise( and I am sure she is a lovely lady) her number is on the advert ffs.

Again I apologise but come on...................