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Thread: Firefox Tool- Who’s Tracking You online in Real Time

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Mousey View Post
    I started using that Collusion thing yesterday. It's scary. Why are all these Internet sites I've never heard of "tracking my behaviour" (whatever that means) across every site I visit? They can't possibly know it's me personally, because I deleted my Google account, and even if I am using mobile broadband, well sure fuckit - I lend it to people all the time!
    Mousey- Don't get too worked up about this, 95% of those sites* tracking you do so just to try to sell you stuff ( No doubt you get a lot of spam for butt-plugs, inflatable mice etc).
    For the most part the info is anonymized - they share info etc but couldn't care less who you are in real life etc...

    But the bigger issue in Punting world is that it's prudent to read up on this area to ensure you don't inadvertently assist somebody in potentially 'outing' you... the chances of that happening while very remote, can be real... suggest you search for the "cross-referencing" links posted before on EI on similar topics...& read the last part of OP to see just how 'They' can very readily "know it's me personally".

    * The bulk of rest of the remaining 5% track on behalf of corporate interests for mundane stuff like visitor numbers/competitive intelligence etc.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I HAVE noticed a serious rise in "Would you like an extra 6 inches on your cock?" mails ever since I started posting here.

    Suspicious Mousey is suspicious.

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