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Thread: Secret diary of a Dublin call girl

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I had no idea some ladies may feel like this after they retire. I think I will miss escorting a little bit.
    Nicely written blog though. It just reminded me, how we should always make sure not to generalize under any circumstances. Something I'm often guilty of...
    Poor girl, I hope she finds new direction for her life. Maybe write a book, make some dosh, find new passions...

    Btw, I do believe that Between the Sheets is based on a true story, although it's far from most experiences we had.
    It just proves that same circumstances are always perceieved by different people differently.

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Anna23 For This Useful Post:

    Aggie (26-02-12), Curvaceous Kate (26-02-12), El Gordo (27-02-12), jimbobbins (28-02-12), Lucy Chambers (27-02-12), max california (26-02-12), Melindablondey (26-02-12), Nicole (27-02-12), English Nina (27-02-12), UKHeather (26-02-12), Vasco da Gama (26-02-12)

  3. #12


    just finished, difficult reading indeed. i think any punter who reads it will take a long hard look at themselves, i know i am.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to bigslip For This Useful Post:

    Vasco da Gama (26-02-12)

  5. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by CurvaceousKate View Post
    I just said it sounds like it is worth a read. I was not critising it Lucy, just ackowledging that it has pricked my interest.

    My comment before was purely taken from the info provided in the introduction here and I stand by what I say. I think it is wrong to make general judgements and put people in boxes.

    I was watching the devils table earlier today (I know I must be boring) and there was a question poised to one of the guests, which was...

    Which would your presecute first...

    A benefit fraud

    A drug dealer

    A brothel owner

    The lady chose brothel owner and said that it was because the other two people have a choice not to do it, where people working in brothels don't.

    Now that to me is a sweeping statement and I know people who work in parlours and choose to do it, so I know her opinion is wrong.

    That was my point.
    I think its wrong to make general judgements too Kate, that's why I advised you to read the actual blog as opposed to the OP.
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  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Lucy Chambers For This Useful Post:

    Melindablondey (26-02-12), UKHeather (26-02-12)

  7. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Vasco da Gama View Post
    I would like to draw attention to a recent blog that has been started with the above title.

    It has received considerable interest on other forums like
    And we all should be interested as she quotes many threads and reviews on E-I.

    This is her opening statement:

    I was a call girl/escort/prostitute in Dublin, for four to five years.
    This is where I have a voice, this is where I can say the truth.
    Comments from the pro prostitution lobby and punters will be briefly skimmed over and then discarded. This is not a place for discussion

    She is completely against the escorting industry as is evident from her threads. Everyone is entitled to his or her own views, as is the author of this blog. However, there is a very insidious message that she is sending. She clearly states that she wasn’t coerced into escorting or controlled while doing so.

    I didn’t have that bad a time of it over the 4 -5 years that I was an escort

    I was completely in control of my own work. I didn’t have anyone controlling me or pressuring me or forcing me

    But her end conclusion is this:

    Escorts are vessels, utensils, cum receptacles, fuck toys, whatever else you want to call them. To the punter, they are not entirely human, because no one entirely human would put up with such abuse, every day, every week.

    The blogger says she was sexually manipulated and used in her late teens. And by association she applies this to all escorts:

    Nobody wakes up one day thinking ‘Hey I think I’ll be a hooker’ and just goes for it. There is always something else behind the scenes, in the background. There is always some story, some reason beyond the facade.

    Her message is essentially – that all escorts are victims. And if you work independently then you are victimizing yourself.

    I do feel sorry for the blogger, if what she says is true about her abuse and sexual manipulation in her teens. No one should have to undergo that. However, extrapolating her experiences to all escorts isn’t a fair conclusion.

    I have no doubt that many escorts will be able to relate to some of what she says. We have a number of our lady posters who certainly don’t pull punches on the forum and let fly about timewasters, smelly punters, hagglers etc.. But as independant escorts, you do have a choice to do this or quit. The blogger would contest that you (escorts) are not in control of your choices.

    But I have reason to suspect that this isn’t the work of a single blogger but rather the carefully crafted propaganda of anti-escorting organisations. More in my next post.
    Her message is just that- her message. It is an account of her time working as an escort, her experiences, and her thoughts. I certainly didnt feel she was referring to me. Just because something doesnt conform to type doesnt mean its a lie.
    If life gives you lemons ask for Tequila

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  8. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Lucy Chambers For This Useful Post:

    ChiefHandker (26-02-12), DaithiMac (27-02-12), max california (27-02-12), very shy guy (27-02-12)

  9. #15
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    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by lucy chambers View Post
    Her message is just that- her message. It is an account of her time working as an escort, her experiences, and her thoughts. I certainly didnt feel she was referring to me. Just because something doesnt conform to type doesnt mean its a lie.
    Some of the things she wrote stood out for me, particularly how I feel about reviews and reviewers. She wrote everything I would like to say on that subject but have never managed to articulate.
    I had no difficulty accepting and believing everything else she wrote. Some stuff I can relate to personally, some not.
    Perhaps retired escorts may relate to it more fully than working escorts. What do you think?

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to UKHeather For This Useful Post:

    Lucy Chambers (26-02-12)

  11. #16
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    I've just read the blog on the reviews and it has left me feeling cold. It seems like she set out with an agenda and has used examples that conform to her belief, but it is not balanced. She has not referred to any of her own personal reviews and not all men visit women knowing they will not be able to communicate. For some it is an important part of the experience.

    I really like most of my reviews and feedback. some of them when I read then back make me smile, as I remember what a good time we had and some I have been given without knowing, so they were a nice surprise.

    I agree there are some men that almost class the review as the last part of the actual booking and get as much enjoyment out of writing it as they did the booking and some go into 'fantasy land' and embezzle on the truth. I once had a guy describe me as wearing a short sexy skirt, when in actual fact I was wearing a woollen fitted dress. I think when they are doing this, they are not writing the review for the sake of others, but purely for their own enjoyment. I've also had one chap say that I swollowed, when I don't and I had to add a comment to make this point.

    Reviews can be misused and I do feel that sometimes the writers forget that it is not about their personal tastes, but about the service offered and how accurate the description is against the advert. This is not a bad thing in my mind, as it reassures others that the lady is not fake, she is actually Escorting and if you like her advert then, you will likely enjoy her company. I really don't see the point in going into details other than the basics.

    Not all men are uncaring either. When I was in Dublin I did get upset once or twice. At one point after a no show from a chap that had booked me through here I decided I needed to get out of the hotel and get me some retail therapy and eat, as it was gone 2pm and I had not eaten anything. At 3pm I got a call off a client I had forgotten totally about, saying he had arrived. I was in the taxi at this point, as I had decided I wasn't in the mood to shop either. He could tell I was not happy and said he was happy to re-arrange. I eventually saw him at 4pm, after a shower and a change and he again told me he was fine to postpone if I was not feeling up to it and he hugged me and made me feel better and restored my faith.

    We had a lovely time together and he really lifted my spirit. So yes, there may be some out there that don't care and won't ask the obvious questions, likely out of fear more than lack of concern. If she doesn't want to be there, then he has to deal with the fact that she didn't want to see him and and that opens up a whole can of worms. I'm not saying it is write, but it could be more than just not caring.

    The last blog that she wrote I can certainly empathise with and you are right Lucy, she does write very well. It also looks like she is a frequent visitor of here, so if you do read this, remember in one of your replies you said that you have learnt not to judge? it would be great to see that backed up in your blogs. I'm more concerned that the type of chap that would read the blog and decide to stop seeing Escorts, is most likely the type of client that I would welcome with open arms, as he is the one that does care, he has a conscience and doesn't like the idea of abusing women. The fact is, not all of us do consider it that way. I don't believe that I am allowing myself to be abused. I do believe that I have taken control of my situation and found a solution that suits me to work with it. I have choice and I can refuse bookings if I want to.
    Last edited by CurvaceousKate; 26-02-12 at 23:20.

  12. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Curvaceous Kate For This Useful Post:

    Anna23 (27-02-12), ChiefHandker (26-02-12), DaithiMac (27-02-12), max california (26-02-12), Melindablondey (26-02-12), English Nina (27-02-12), Vasco da Gama (26-02-12), very shy guy (27-02-12)

  13. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by UKHeather View Post
    Some of the things she wrote stood out for me, particularly how I feel about reviews and reviewers. She wrote everything I would like to say on that subject but have never managed to articulate.
    I had no difficulty accepting and believing everything else she wrote. Some stuff I can relate to personally, some not.
    Perhaps retired escorts may relate to it more fully than working escorts. What do you think?

    I can relate to a couple of points quite deeply. I do also agree with her that Orgasms are a ridiculous reason for torturing someone. And that what the demand of trafficking boils down to, someone somewhere wants an orgasm and doesnt much care how.

    The escort is one I had a few conversations with, I often read her posts with interest and I read her blog already knowing she wasnt going to sugar coat some of her thoughts, she doesnt need to, she hasnt got an eye on the chance of syndication. I have no difficulty accepting that this was her view of her experiences and I am bloody glad someone chose to come forward and be a voice for those who feel that if they arent some Belle Dy Jour, then they are crazy. There is a loneliness and isolation in this industry, one too often glossed over in favour of the wise business woman tag.

    Im not going to try and reassure anyone that this isnt the case for everyone.. It isnt. But for a few, it is. I hope she gets the catharsis she needs and I hope she realises her worth now.
    Last edited by lucy chambers; 26-02-12 at 23:51.
    If life gives you lemons ask for Tequila

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  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Lucy Chambers For This Useful Post:

    DaithiMac (27-02-12), Vasco da Gama (27-02-12)

  15. #18
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    I appreciate that there is also the fact that things have changed drastically in the last 5 years alone, with reference to the recession and the male behaviour. If anything it is a lot worse now than it was 5 years ago and there are more pitfalls and problems to dodge in order to do well. I still worry that sending out messages like that will pull out the men that try their best to be 'nice', 'normal' and treat ladies like 'equals' and make them question what they are doing. Despite the fact that they might be in loveless situations, not had a hug in years, or just single and not want to muck people about. The men that geniunely don't care (which do exist) are not going to be touched by what she writes. They will remain.

    I would urge men if they really care and want to see someone who geniunely wants to work as an Escort to spend time researching and that does not mean relying on reviews. Read her adverts through, read her blogs if she writes them, post her a message or give her a call and if it all adds up, then make your choice. I know of men that do research well in advance and have 2 or 3 girls that they would like to see, so when that uncontrollable urge comes along, there is no picking someone out of the bag and God knows what you might find, but a possibility that one of the ladies they have pre-selected is available and she is likely to be who she says she is and working because she wants to.

    When a lady had retired it's very easy to reflect on thoughts and feelings, because they are behind you. However, if the thoughts have an impact on other people's present it can be damaging. Already someone has said that they want no part of the review system and using women so he is out. I bet he was a lovely guy as well. I doubt he would throw 50 euros on the floor and ask what extra services are on offer (which I think is disgusting by the way and he would have been asked to pick it up and leave if he had done that to me). Please don't leave us with all the dick heads!

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Curvaceous Kate For This Useful Post:

    DaithiMac (27-02-12), very shy guy (27-02-12)

  17. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by CurvaceousKate View Post
    I appreciate that there is also the fact that things have changed drastically in the last 5 years alone, with reference to the recession and the male behaviour. If anything it is a lot worse now than it was 5 years ago and there are more pitfalls and problems to dodge in order to do well. I still worry that sending out messages like that will pull out the men that try their best to be 'nice', 'normal' and treat ladies like 'equals' and make them question what they are doing. Despite the fact that they might be in loveless situations, not had a hug in years, or just single and not want to muck people about. The men that geniunely don't care (which do exist) are not going to be touched by what she writes. They will remain.

    I would urge men if they really care and want to see someone who geniunely wants to work as an Escort to spend time researching and that does not mean relying on reviews. Read her adverts through, read her blogs if she writes them, post her a message or give her a call and if it all adds up, then make your choice. I know of men that do research well in advance and have 2 or 3 girls that they would like to see, so when that uncontrollable urge comes along, there is no picking someone out of the bag and God knows what you might find, but a possibility that one of the ladies they have pre-selected is available and she is likely to be who she says she is and working because she wants to.

    When a lady had retired it's very easy to reflect on thoughts and feelings, because they are behind you. However, if the thoughts have an impact on other people's present it can be damaging. Already someone has said that they want no part of the review system and using women so he is out. I bet he was a lovely guy as well. I doubt he would throw 50 euros on the floor and ask what extra services are on offer (which I think is disgusting by the way and he would have been asked to pick it up and leave if he had done that to me). Please don't leave us with all the dick heads!

    Her thoughts will have an impact on those who consider it relevant to their own habits. I think thats no bad thing. Its about time everyone stopped the collusion game. This work is not for everyone, it can leave you mentally scarred.

    In any case, in my experience of these forums, in two days most will have forgotten it exists and dialled those digits.
    Last edited by lucy chambers; 27-02-12 at 00:01.
    If life gives you lemons ask for Tequila

    Only sad bastards seek gratification from signatures

  18. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CurvaceousKate View Post

    The last blog that she wrote I can certainly empathise with and you are right Lucy, she does write very well. It also looks like she is a frequent visitor of here, so if you do read this, remember in one of your replies you said that you have learnt not to judge? it would be great to see that backed up in your blogs. I'm more concerned that the type of chap that would read the blog and decide to stop seeing Escorts, is most likely the type of client that I would welcome with open arms, as he is the one that does care, he has a conscience and doesn't like the idea of abusing women[/B]. The fact is, not all of us do consider it that way. I don't believe that I am allowing myself to be abused. I do believe that I have taken control of my situation and found a solution that suits me to work with it. I have choice and I can refuse bookings if I want to.
    Thank you for comments Kate. I think that is exactly the type of client that her comments will frighten away.

  19. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Vasco da Gama For This Useful Post:

    Prickly (27-02-12), very shy guy (27-02-12)

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