Jesus Christ Sweetie. €500 for the best of the most reviews?? Sweetie,id kick your arse! Now im no Stephen Hawkins but if i have a grain of a brain left in me, since this is a list of those with the most reviews (its not correct because you left james whatever and Ber out),then tell me this.

Lets say i went to 10 escorts and i win your comp.Great.When im over my joyous moment i will probably???? Yes Sweetie.Ah yeah,you know as well as i do.I spend it on escorts and yep,of course ,stick up more reviews. this along with the fact that in order to get to 10 reviews i would have to spend 1500 min and you give my 500.So sweet,how nice.I lose a grand just to win 500.Your an economical genius ye Sweetie.

Sweetie, a grand or €1000.Whichever you understand better.Common ye Sweetie open up that shiney purse of yours and dig in deep and do your bit.I know you'll come here and say "but westie darling,we doubled our prize money or increased 100%".Of course you did but it still sucks.

Better than a blow up sheep i guess,