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Thread: My response to Primetime and those who mindlessly shame the escorting industry

  1. Default My response to Primetime and those who mindlessly shame the escorting industry

    Here's a piece I wrote in response to people on a popular Irish message board who were jumping on the band-wagon of mindlessly shaming punters and the Irish escorting industry:

    What about the slaves in China and elsewhere working 16 hours a day for €2 or less to manufacture clothing, toys, phones etc., where's the outrage about that? It's non-existent, because we all consumes such items and of course it's not anywhere near as bad because they don't have to do the unthinkable and actually touch something so grotesque as an average Irish man . It's extremely easy for Irish females to sit there and shame their male counterparts who buy sex, as they do not have a clue about how male sexuality works; they simply compare it to their own inferior levels of sexual desire and blindly conclude that those males who do it must be woman-abusers and misogynists.

    The real issue here is the massive cultural valuation of casual sex that's inherit in modern Irish men. The fact that a huge proportion of us are willing to pay such outrageous amounts of money for a short period of sexual activity clearly shows that the reasoning behind it is psychologically ingrained and not due to physical desire. When men are subjected to living in an overly sexually stimulated culture in which casual sex is considered a compulsory recreational activity, certain consequences such as increased rates of rape and human trafficking for prostitution are unfortunately going to be inevitable; it's an unavoidable result of the libertarian society people are being compelled to want to have yet not willing to accept the consequences of. Our wise male ancestors of this earth realized and understood that in order for civilization to flourish, sex simply cannot be prevalent outside the context of marriage (or love at the very least). When a society experiences a complete breakdown in traditional gender roles largely due to false feminist propaganda, the romantic connection between the sexes is heavily diminished and male sexuality is left unconsolidated; in contemporary society it largely becomes channeled into pornography and other such forms of media and males and females' prevalent mentality towards sex becomes consistent of 'sex is dirty' type programming. Now, I know what I'm saying is way, way too deep for most Irish people who only like to take the superficial aspects of things into consideration, but deep reasoning is key in all complex issues whether you are blinded of the ability to comprehend it or not.

    What's the answer to the question of how to deal with the unfortunate prostitution scenario we have in this country? I'd love to say reverting back to the old monogamous system, where love and passion between men and woman in traditional gender roles was a lot more so the norm and people were truly much happier than they are now, but unfortunately we're far too deep into this mess; technology has moved on and irreversible cultural programming has taken place to make this an impossibility. The solution simply comes down to where the liberal current is taking us: full legalization. It's inevitable and only a matter of time and of course how many women we're willing to let be 'exploited and abused' by evil devils in the meantime. (face of self-righteousness)

    Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Treefan For This Useful Post:

    Jack in the Box (20-02-12), Julius Caesar (20-02-12), LaBelleThatcher (14-03-12), Sexy Sandy 69 (22-02-12)

  3. #2


    cant make head nor tail of what the poster here is on about... but the primetime will definitely make me far more conscious of the word "independent" should i choose to visit a lady... the moving of young girls from hither to yon, as portrayed if correctly , was a bit offputting, id only be happy if im sure the lady im with is there coz she wants to be

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Crispinphlox For This Useful Post:

    Melindablondey (20-02-12)

  5. Default

    Good post Treefan. All the punters and the escorts who are working willingly need to stick together and make their voices known in what ever way possible. The message should be put out that people should but out of escorts and clients having consenting sex.

    Also at the same time there needs to be zero tolerance for any exploitation. This means that this website controllers need to scour advertisments etc for any dodgy going's on. Apart from it being the right thing to do it will starve the like of Ruhama and biased journalism of oxygen.

  6. #4


    I have to point out that there is no slave or working 16 hrs a day for 2 euro.come on its 21th century,why u said about china is no true.and another things I am doubt about is that those country legalized sex industry,sex workers pay the tax to the govement ,isn't it the govement profit from prostitution ?

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to asianlucy For This Useful Post:

    Morpheus (20-02-12)

  8. #5
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by asianlucy View Post
    I have to point out that there is no slave or working 16 hrs a day for 2 euro.come on its 21th century,why u said about china is no true.and another things I am doubt about is that those country legalized sex industry,sex workers pay the tax to the govement ,isn't it the govement profit from prostitution ?
    Are you joking? I hope so.

    People are being forced to work many hours a day for a tiny amount. Open your eyes! China is well known for it but you might not realise that because of Media Censorship

    Every business should pay tax. It doesn't matter what your profession is.

    My chinese friend was shocked when she came to UK and still will not believe negative things about her country. They do a great job of brain washing you people that's for sure.

    Good luck
    He felt her hands slide slowly up his thigh, he couldn't stop himself from growing hard. She caught his eye and in that second he knew: This erotic, sensual Lady is bold if she is anything. She would be upto mischief in no time...
    Some things never change

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to EnglishAlex For This Useful Post:

    the traveller (21-02-12)

  10. #6
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    Oct 2010


    Treefan- first up, great stuff- thanks for collecting your thoughts & sharing, all efforts here are to be applauded!
    It may be beneficial if you linked to where this was originally placed so we can see full context, responses & potentially weigh-in.

    As you've asked for feedback, please take the following in spirit intended i.e. some constructive suggestions aimed at achieving our common goal!

    • You're average internet reader has a v short attention span- suggest you keep such posts more brief. ( unlike me here haha)

    • The topic of workers being exploited in the thirdworld ( & the parallels to escorting) has been thrashed out extensively in the blogosphere- while I get where you're coming from, you've imo distilled that analogy so much that it'll go over the head of 95% of people reading ( not to mention, <<as has already ironically happened in this very thread>> it will just make for a red herring digression along lines of some areas of coastal China have become so expensive that western companies are migrating back home yada yada).

    • The second paragraph (while observing many truths) comes across as trite & the use of loaded labels such as "libertarian" may well solicit an unintended consequence along lines of " Who the fuck does this jumped up self congratulatory word smith think he is- we know all this shite". Don't get me wrong- I broadly sympathize with the sentiments but put yourself in Joe Public's shoes!

    • Re the 3rd paragraph, imho it may be better to focus on why it's saner to go down the path of "full legalization" rather than it's inevitable due to technological developments etc.

    On a related note, I'd suggest it may be fruitful to also emphasize a topic close to most Irish people's hearts ( & even more so than normal these days)- MONEY: The Swedish law has damaged the economy of that nation by driving punters & their locally generated cash to Denmark/Germany/Baltics etc. If Escorting was legalized in IRL, the tax base is broadened, unemployment goes down, (& Ladies get proper & full recourse to legal protection & STD screening etc).

    Hope this was helpful- it's always easier to be a critic than a contributor and you've made a very good start.
    It's worth noting that only a small percentage of us are active Punters..but only a similar small number of people actively support Ruhama or are even aware of this impending legal storm- this fight is still wide open & it's how Joe Public's perception re the reality of Escorting being here to stay & how best to deal with it in a sensible manner that needs to now be shaped!

  11. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Franken996 For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserDavina (21-02-12), Melindablondey (22-02-12), milkman (21-02-12), Morpheus (21-02-12), Sexy Sandy 69 (22-02-12)

  12. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    I see no problem with once their is consent from both parties. I am presently attempting to make a postcount of 10 posts so that I can contact a escort in my area to arrange a safe and enjoyable date.

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