There are escort's whose reviews are perfect, or nearly so. For example Alex (Irish) has 127 reviews, all of them "very happy", with the exception of one guy two years ago who was merely "fairly happy". At the other end of the spectrum, there was one lady, now retired, who worked here for several years and collected almost 50 reviews, negative on average once the dodgy ones are discounted. The vast majority of escorts are somewhere in between. Most of my favourite escorts have received a neutral or negative review at some point in their careers.

When you look at the reviews of an escort you are thinking of visiting, how good do they have to be? Or, put differently, how bad would they have to be to put you off? For purposes of this thread, just ignore ratted reviews or reviews from guys with only one or just a few of them.

There's a reason I'm asking this, which some of you may have guessed. When I started El Gordo's Guide to Reliable Escorts in 2009 an escort who had two "very happy" for every "fairly happy" would have made the list. Even though I increased the list from 50 to 100 it has got to the point where escorts with seven "very happy" for every "fairly happy" don't make it. Personally, I'd have no hesitation to visit an escort with reviews like that. I think it's time to do something about this, but I'm not sure where to put the cutoff. Now, when I'm planning to spend my own money I put a fair amount of work in and read the reviews carefully. Some I will pay a lot of attention to and some I'll dismiss entirely. Also, I pay more attention to the text than the ratings. But for the guide I need something less subjective and less labour intensive. In short, I need a number.

So, when are good reviews good enough?