OK - a little rant here. I visited an escort yesterday around lunch time and when I was walking to the apartment in Booterstown there was a chap hanging around outside the door with a mobile phone in his hand - it was obvious he was trying to see one of 2 girls that are in this particular apartment. I called the girl I was trying to see to say - whats going on - and she was a little confused herself but persuaded me to go ahead. I went to the apartment door and the chap stands right behind me until I turned around. He then walked away. After I got in the girls explained that one of them did not speak great english and had not understood where this bloke was etc. Fair enough - not very bright on his part. Then when I was leaving the apartment there were 2 other guys hanging around clearly waiting for their turn. This is a bit dim lads - it sends out clear signals to the residents in the apartment block that something is going on. If you cant get immediate access - can you please go back and wait in your car - or somewhere nearby.