decided to take a look through the vast array of female "independent" escorts and called a few to check availability and prices as some had "P.O.A" in their profile!

on a few of them, i found that the numbers were disconnected (patricia - you need to check if the escorts are still here!!!), some had their phones off - it was 11.30am on sunday but they had schedule times from 10/11am to 24hrs - so whats the point in saying you start work if you have no intention of doing so???

but by far was some of the girls that did answer and just how plain rude they were on the phone!!!

i read in other threads by escorts that punters should be "nice" and "respectful" to them either on the phone or in preson - to which i say - absolutely!!!!

but just how much rudeness are we "the punters" supposed to take or put up with????

i think some escorts should be given a lesson in how to answer phones as this is potentially a client and its also the first point of contact with any business and if the client hangs up with the thought that the person on phone is just so rude - why should they do business with this person!

i know some escorts must get tired of answering questions from callers but this is part of the job - i always ask the escort questions as i want to know if i pay 250 - 300 euro for a 1 hour session that i'm going to get what I pay for - not what the escort wants to give me!!!

too many escorts put down things on their favourites list which they don't do or charge extra for, so i like to make it very clear what i want and how much its going to cost BEFORE i drive for miles to see them! this should be the way its done all the time - not, the escort saying "i don't discuss what i do on the phone" or "we can talk about it when you get here"!!!!

thats bollox - what they're saying is - go to the bother of showering/cleaning etc, get in your car and drive for god knows how far/long, try to get parking, and then when you arrive at the escorts place they'll decide what they're going to do and how much they're going to charge you - and if you don't like it, then off you go but they know that as you've gone to the bother of doing everything else there's a 90% chance you'll stay and put up with whatever they give you and be thankful for it!!!

well i'm sorry - thats just not good enough - if escorts want respect then it has to be a 2 way thing and as far as i can see it isn't at the minute! escorts can go on about how they have "messers" and "time wasters" ringing them and they get fed up with questions been asked etc - tough! it happens, build a bridge and get over it!

a few questions regarding services provided, price and location of escort are not justification to being rude or short on the phone!

i won't post the escorts names that i rang this morning as i didn't take all their names down as i just quickly went through about 15 names - i will say though that the section i went through was "black dublin female escorts"!!!

but from now on i will take note of the escort and i will post here if i feel they are being rude or if they have things on their favorites list that they don't do!!!

i know "paws" has his good/bad escort list but thats really for reviews of escorts after being with them - this would be a pre warning of sorts whereby the punter would be informed whether the escort is nice and courteous on the phone (therefore more likely to be the same way on meeting them) and if they do what they say they do for the price shown!

it'll take time to compile but after this morning's phone calls it has to be done!

sorry girls if you think i'm being hard on you but respect is a given - not earned!!!