Quote Originally Posted by saoirsemac View Post
haha id say u might get a mars bar and a can of coke

but i do think in the celtic tiger years this should have been introduce and also a cap on how many children are payed for by the state, if u cannot afford your children stop breeding! i am not talking about hard working families who have now fallen on hard times but the ones who are work shy recession or not and sit on there holes breeding to get more benifits and bigger councils houses!

the working and tax contributor in this country gets f all when they need it but when u have not worked a day in your life you get everything handed to you, and if ur a 17 year old girl your nearly encourged to have a child and be an unwed mother its a joke!

i may get slammed for the child benifit remark but the world has enough people,
if you have no job, no money, dont have kids until you can afford to provide for them! and yes accidents happen
but come on i know of girls who sleep around, who have never had sex WITH a condom!

but then again i am a believer that schools should give condoms out, there having sex at least be safe and give girls advice on contraceptives such as pill etc, this country is fair too unfair to working class faimilys who try to better themselves and too soft on those who abuse the system!

also i find it hilarious in this day in age, with rampent stds, aids etc that condoms in this country are still taxed as a luxury item???? fecking madness
if everybody thought like that tho there would be no mer i would not exist lol
but i know what your saying hun, i know lots of people who are popping babies out like water balloons and there not even able to look after themselfs!! i know people who just sit there all day a bit like myself somedays lol but i look around and as it is a small town there is fuck all jobs here, and i cant exactly move anywhere with no money to find anything! it makes ya sick tho with all those lazy bastards if they wernt so fucking lazy there might be more dole money in the pot lol its fucking hard living off 100 a week and its not something im proud of i dont go out drinking or have fun cause then i wud not be able to see any ladies lol somedays you just feel like blown your head off cause feel your worth nothing, nothing even tesco will not employ me or dunnes or xtravision or boots or sportsavers or lifestyle sports or spar or the bowling alley or cineama and not even mcdonalds and many many more too much to mention!! i quess thats what i get for living in such a shitty small town