Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
In my opinion, it doesnt really matter what you do, because reviews are subjective by nature anyway....

One mans dream girl is another mans "just ok" girl

Sometimes the chemistry is there and sometimes it isnt

Both the client or the girl could be having a bad or just a slightly off day, for whatever reason- remember, you are dealing with real people after all

By and large if you read the reviews, really read them I mean, you can know what to expect and if doesnt work out then bad luck, just one of those things, better luck next time.

So there are a few fake reviews and "bad" girls, making a review pay system isnt really going to make all that difference, its just one of those things. If you read carefully on here, the good girls stand out a mile.
All reviews are, to a large extent, sujective. However, it should be possible to describe the girl and compare her to the photos and profile details. It should also be easy to say if all advertised services were on offer, whether she was experienced or not and whether she was friendly and made an effort to please you. All these elements can be objectively commented on.

All fake reviews distort the system. The more fake reviews there are the bigger the effect. There will always be fake reviews it is just a matter of keeping them to a minimum. Pimps have no problem going to an internet cafe to post a good review of their escort to boost her earnings when it is for free.