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Thread: Escort Reviews - An Update

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    Here is an idea...

    I think I already know it is one we can't run with, as clients won't go for it, but I wanted to share it anyway, as maybe it is food for thought that will give somebody else another idea that could work.

    What is we had 2 levels of membership for clients on this message board:

    Level 1 - Regular membership as is now

    Level 2 - Premium membership costing 1 euro once off fee which must be paid by credit or debit card and our systems would never allow the same credit card number to be used more than once and might even be able to only accept Irish bank issued credit or debit cards (not sure if merchant banks allow you to restrict things like this). We would never ask for names, addresses, just credit card number and expiry date, and we could work it out that all that appeared on members' credit card statements was something very generic like "123Membership", maybe we could even do it via a third party so the details never even went to E-I.

    Then, our reviews system was changed, so only level 2 members could post reviews - Level 1 members would not be able to post reviews.

    This would mean people could only have as many accounts as they had access to credit or debit cards. It wouldn't stop people having more than one account as people often can get their hands on more than one credit card, but it probably would make it a lot less common that fakers managed to maintain multiple accounts, as they would have to get a new credit card every time.

    I'm guessing this would never work, not because clients would object to paying a euro fee, but because clients would object to doing anything that threatens their total anonymity.

    However wanted to post this anyway, in case this idea prompts anyone else to come up with a better idea that could work.

    Pat x
    Your brain is working overtime but I think that having names and credit card details on record is a bridge that most wont cross just to post reviews.
    The big problem at the moment is that there are too few genuine reviews. We need more "guests" to become members and more members to post reviews even if they have to be a member for a month or two to do so. This would be helped if guests could see only one photo of the escort whereas members could see more.
    I think that there is scope for a premium membership at say €10 per month or €100 per year where more detailed, revealing and less obscured photos might be available and which would lend weight to any reviews but not to bar reviews from regular members. Premium members may have better access to escorts and more guaranteed dates. This would also tie in with the references that some escorts were looking for. Escorts would have less issues with "timewasters" Where the client is a paid up premium member. Maybe premium members could get a reduced rate!

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by diver View Post
    Your brain is working overtime but I think that having names and credit card details on record is a bridge that most wont cross just to post reviews.
    The big problem at the moment is that there are too few genuine reviews. We need more "guests" to become members and more members to post reviews even if they have to be a member for a month or two to do so. This would be helped if guests could see only one photo of the escort whereas members could see more.
    I think that there is scope for a premium membership at say €10 per month or €100 per year where more detailed, revealing and less obscured photos might be available and which would lend weight to any reviews but not to bar reviews from regular members. Premium members may have better access to escorts and more guaranteed dates. This would also tie in with the references that some escorts were looking for. Escorts would have less issues with "timewasters" Where the client is a paid up premium member. Maybe premium members could get a reduced rate!
    Thanks. There are interesting ideas here, but I have always thought clients spend enough on escorts without being charged to use escort websites too! I know there are websites that charge escorts and clients like BigDoggie in the US, but I'm not sure this is a good idea.

  3. #83
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    Mar 2007

    Thumbs down Bad Credit History!!

    The credit card thing wouldn't work either Pat simply because anybody buy a 3V Prepaid 5 euro voucher and use it to fake being a trusted/premium member ........... these vouchers would just show up as a regular Visa card and would be impossible for you to detect.

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    The credit card thing wouldn't work either Pat simply because anybody buy a 3V Prepaid 5 euro voucher and use it to fake being a trusted/premium member ........... these vouchers would just show up as a regular Visa card and would be impossible for you to detect.

    Ah yes, a good point indeed!

  5. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    Thanks. There are interesting ideas here, but I have always thought clients spend enough on escorts without being charged to use escort websites too! I know there are websites that charge escorts and clients like BigDoggie in the US, but I'm not sure this is a good idea.
    It is precisely because we spend so much money on escorts that it is worthwhile for us to spend some dosh if it can improve the level of information we recieve and avoid wasted time and money. I dont have much time to spare. Every hour that I spend with an escort costs me at least two hours. If I meet one less dud escort a year or have one less wasted journey, €100 is money well spent.

  6. #86
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    Default partial review

    when you introduce this partial review will it be credited to a reviewer in the same way as a full review or will u have a seperate list

    eg mr x

    25 reviews
    5 partial reviews

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
    when you introduce this partial review will it be credited to a reviewer in the same way as a full review or will u have a seperate list

    eg mr x

    25 reviews
    5 partial reviews
    We don't have an exact blueprint for all the changes we are making to the reviews system yet, as we are still taking on feedback and making modifications based on it.

    However, I think I can answer the specific question you have asked here and the answer is seperate list.

    Partial reviews are not designed to replace or take over from full reviews. Full reviews will deliberately be given more prominance, so as to encourage the ladies to accept them.

    Partial reviews (if we even call them reviews, as we may call them ratings or something else if we feel it is more appropriate) will take second place.

  8. #88
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    Mar 2007

    Thumbs down Good Idea ........... For Bad Escorts!!!

    Partial reviews will cause a huge problem on here ..............
    At the moment bad escorts opt out of reviews or some try faking good reviews only to opt out of them when they are caught trying to con us because they are left with no other viable choice ............ however these new partial reviews will give those same bad escorts the perfect oppurtunity to get back into the review system with lots of fake but undetectable reviews!!
    I've said it before but it's worth repeating, this new idea Pat is a terible one and should be scrapped .................. no verified pictures without accepting reviews, now THAT was a good idea Pat, pure genius in fact!! Who thought of that one??

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  9. #89


    Dear Patricia,
    There is one element of the review system which cannot be reduced to a rating or a ticked box and that is the whole vexed question of "genuine" photos and profiles. What are "genuine" photos? Are photos 10 years old "genuine"? Are enhanced photos "genuine"? What if an escort adds a few inches to her height or bumps herself up from 32B to 36DD? Do we mark these as "genuine"
    I would say that of all the escorts that I have met recently half the "verified" photos are of a different girl and most of the rest would be difficult to recognise from the photos. I can understand that these girls do not want to have recognisable photos up there for everyone to see. That is why I think that they would be much more forthcoming with genuine photos if they could only be seen by fee-paying premium members.
    Anyway the point that I want to make here is that it is vital in any review that the reviewer is allowed to describe the girl relative to the photos/profile supplied. Is she older or younger, slimmer or fatter, taller or shorter, prettier or plainer, etc. etc. If the escort is older, is it a couple of years or 5 years or 10 years and so on. These are not boxes that can be ticked.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    The Credit Card system you explained above would be ideal, if only anonimity wasn't a problem. Well, we still may get away with it. Pat, do you know the 3V credit card? it's a credit card you charge as you do with a ready to go mobile phone, they don't send you statements back home, and you may buy credit in a Spar or Centra shop up to 300 euros, and it's only for internet use. Total anonimity. Well, it's true they send you a form first, but after this no statements, and I can always say I got this ready to go credit card for internet use only, as they offered to me in my work place... check it out here I don't know if this may work or not, but you may give it a try and they may advertise the credit card in your website...

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