Quote Originally Posted by Appoline View Post
You're banned? So soon?
I got bitch- slapped last year for being profane. I'm on a 10% warning still, several months on.
They sent me a pm saying to keep the bad langauge down and to ,get this,at least censor it.So i put up a public notice asking them the difference between these two.........

Your full of Shit


Your full of ****

Like the spirit of the conversation is lost.I also ask them how could they go on about bad langauge when they stick up daily porn of the Tampon Tunnel.What else did i say??Oh yeah,and this is the thing that kills me.I ask them is that some kind of moral lesson for me.That a mod of an escort site where they make money from adverts turns to me and tells me to keep my bad langauge down.

This stuff kills me seriously.I have no probs with what anyone does but dont give me moral lessons if they are no better.Like the escort that called me sad yet she has no probs pissing on people and/or letting them piss on her all for an extra??€50.Give me a break please.

And in the chat , a silly message comes up saying not to use profanity.Now, again, how can someone get offended for using profanity when in the same breadth they would phone up a girl and ask her how much for a ride?

Its like those priests that stood on an altar (i called it a stage), and at the same time say to forgive someone for screwing a young child.All do as i say dont do as i do.

I was on a lifting forum once and a group of christians came along telling me this and that and hot pokers hanging out of my arse for all eternity.I got banned from that forum but i did what any normal person would do.I went away and joined the religous groups forum.You should here that bullshit.We will pray for your sins,we will forgive you.Wow im on my way to good times now.These same idiots had a poll that Xmas and you know what it was.Just think of all of the global issues that all religous people can shout about (you still here Appy??)Appy ?Ah well i'll continue on.The poll?Yes, should we tell our kids the truth about Santa because if we tell them he exists we are lying and that is against Gods beliefs.Get that.Now if God is like this then no thanks ,i wont want to be around him.Incidently,i told them to ask Santa himself after hes finished riding his reindeer.Oppps ,poor guys.The poor lads and they ban Westside.

Bottom line i take moral lessons from people who practice what they preach.Interestingly enough i have yet to meet the first one.

Ban my arse,