Quote Originally Posted by saoirsemac View Post
whats hilarious is the questions are u shaved on the phone.... on my profile but watever men are thick when horny
but its always the one who ask, when some (these kind of questions scream tw) of these show up
its like a fecking mushroom in a forest... they just give the nice hair free pussy a slight rub but expect me to lick the sack off them

id swallow less hair licking me fecking cat

wats good for the goose is good for the gander get trimming....
I like a little bit well keep and shorten above the soilder thats fine but ffs

when one needs a comb to find and suck ur cock time to rethink...
Can't agree more with you there Saoirse! Damn straight! What's good for the goose is good for the gander! And I wouldn't expect a lady to accept anything less!

Which is why I shave below the "soldier" and trim above (down to a golfing green standard).

Mind you, I have to or the poor lady won't be able to find me tackle!