Quote Originally Posted by samlad View Post
Hi everyone,

Earlier this year, Patricia had considered the idea of a Gold Advertiser Status to reward escorts for their loyalty to advertising on the website. She proposed that we maybe put a gold border around the thumbnails of established escorts to make them stand out more. The initial idea was based on how many times an escort had advertised with us in a year, and after debating it in the escort forums and in the E-I management, there was some mixed ideas about the criteria of this system.

Nicole, Patricia and I decided to revisit the idea; we still want to go ahead with this idea, and what we wish to do is find a criteria that would be fair to an escort in order to achieve the 'Gold' status.

Nicole, Patricia and I all agree that the one of the main criteria should definately involve rewarding escorts that do not change their profiles and stick to one profile over a long period of time, and do not have a history of using fake photographs.

Ultimately we want established escorts to stand out for being loyal and for meeting the above criteria highlighted in bold, and this would also help punters to make better informed decisions when it comes to choosing an ecort when booking.

Any constructive thoughts would be very much appreciated, as we really want to find a means to help everyone find a happy medium.
Good idea Really Genuine Escort