Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
Westie I don't hate you. I love you. And whilst I'm sure you are very much in demand in other places, you better not disappear completely from here for good, as this place wouldn't be the same without you.
you certainly wouldnt be the same without me.You'll become the worlds first arse transplant patient.All that arse licking.

Sweetie, you do things here to suit yourself ,not becuase they are wrong or right.Love me or hate me,that is a fact.

And Sister Prick,,,,ah yes a story.I walk my Bull every morning.Obviously with all the unwanted attention these dogs get, some people look at him nasty.Only thing is this guy is about 80ibs weigth ,all muscle and a face like a laitive (he'd frighten the shit out of you).Enter Sister Prick.This nun nearby,hates Wests dog,Calls to peoples houses looking for money for the church.The Law of Attraction,and sit around and pray for it.Anyway, i kindly and respsctfully to her to fuck off from the door.Arseclown.Anyway, this morning at about 6 i ws walking himself and the great nun herself pops around the cornor and the usually nasty look at him.Only thing is this time,she missed the step and fell over.Now she is about 50 years old and evil.Sweetie,god i wish i had a coke and popcorn.Did i go over and pick her up?Nope.She prays ,remember,miricles happen Sweetie.So a few tugs on a rubbish bin and she was up and get this,she waves over like saying im ok.I only stopped because himself was going for a piss.

Cant wait for 6 tommorow,