Dont hold your breadth Sweetie becuase this is a once off. Ok,just read the review of Sophie.Is it really neccessary to include the girls personnal affairs in a review of her services for everyones entertainment??
Just for the record Ber, i know that this is really going to make you feel good. You paid 500 for an hour ,i paid 160 (same friend as well)and Sophie was in the room most of it anyway.I think some bookstores carry a book called "learn negotiating skills in a weekend" or maybe it was all the Lynx i sprayed on along with copius ammounts of brill cream on my luscious expensive head.
You made your point well before you brought the girls personnal affairs into the review.
Sophie if your reading this love, if you need any help or someone to talk to ,im here anytime at all love and you dont need to go spreading your legs either.Your only 21 with your whole life in front of you.Dont waste it.
As for the guy who says he wouldnt give a second look in a bar.After how many pints would that be??The usual 20?
I stand over what i said about Sophie in a post some time back.She is a nice funloving girl.Does she need help? Who knows?
Hey Ber,ive spoken to you in posts here and you sound like an ok guy.Im sure that you mean no harm in your review but seriously there is such a thing as discretion and that should apply to the girls too.

Take it easy and hey have a Happy Xmas everyone and drink a few for me or for my demise maybe.

Sophie, you have listener here if you every need one,remember that.

I bought a Sweetie some chocholate today and got a big wet smacker.

I finished the Liver meds today,

I stepped in my dogs shit today...........again.......people smell me before they fuckin see me.........being followed by packs of stray tomcats.....just as well i dont go through heat.