id happily go back to south east asia just a crazy assed place.. the people have so little but always smiling as will always share with u great place
but i wanna see the world i hope to work a year in africa when im finished uni give back to society lol
then south american hope to work with red cross for a bit see the world nd help sum of the worlds poorest people
also id love to a few months in oz again flying doctors shit looks cool,
ill be able to travel all over as ill be blessed with my degree as its a passport sure i wnt make my potiental earnings but when im on my death bed and i look back at my life i wanna say i did that i did something to help i say the world, who cares that i wnt have licked the right arses to make consultant etc by 40 but hey who gives fuck id rather work with real people a anyway im 2 honest nd too the point lol