Just reading up on it and came across this,, think these sound good Zyban (for your wives if they smokeand want to stop),, have a read
Hi, I have been taking Champix for just over a week now and I have been finding myself extremely irritated and stressed out over nothing. The day after taking the higher dose (day 8 I think) I woke up with a terrible migraine, was sick to my stomach, and have stayed in bed for almost the whole 3 days. This is the fourth day and woke up feeling better (should after sleeping for 12 hours)and my husband and I decided we should write down how I am feeling each hour after taking the first dose today. At first I rated my mood as 8/10 and physically 8/10, within the first hour I rated my mood at a 5/10 and I feel like I want to break down and cry. A headache is beginning and I am so tired I can barely stay awake. My quit date is only two days away, so I don't want to stop/switch, but I just don't don't know if I can handle this anymore. I even had to leave work all three days early!
I am now going on my 2nd hour and my mood is the same if not 1 point lower....I hate that I/we have to go through crap like this...if only I knew 20 years ago what I know now about smoking!!!

I have used Zyban (twice) in the past which worked and had few side effects. The side effects I had were the crazy dreams and extremely sexual(my husband did not complain about this one), other than those I seemed to be fine mood wise.
I plan to swicth and start taking the Zyban again instead of these Champix pills which make me feel like I am going crazy!

Read more: Stop Smoking Forum - Champix side effects page 2 http://ehealthforum.com/health/champ...#ixzz1VWGVuPB2